Funny issue with Alfred, share yours!

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Hi everyone,

I want to share a little story with all of you, and also invite you to share yours!!


I picked up my Alfred at VeeamOn 2023 in Miami, 

knowing that he will belong to my daughter.

Sha fall in love since the instant moment she saw him (bye bye Mikey 🐭 )

Now she always carry him around the house , an if allowed, goes with her to some activities out.

For her is her new baby, and as a baby….

yes! Dippers!!!


Im still laughing every time I remember the situation!!

Please share your Alfred’s experiences and funny moments!



Userlevel 7
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That is too funny Luiz.  My Alfred is sitting on my office desk next to Veeam the Vic bear. My daughter is 19 so she is not in to these things anymore. 😂

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My Alfred is now property of Carlos. I tried to take him out of the cat’s little hotel/den thing and he stared at me and growled. He does the same thing when he watched the bird bath in the backyard and sees the birds happily and carelessly bathing themselves. 

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Like Chris, mine is sitting on my office desk 

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I want oneeee😄

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I didn’t end up getting one in Miami but that is a funny photo!

Next chance I’ll get one. My dog loves stuffed animals, he doesn’t destroy them. He just likes to carry them around. 

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Mine sits behind me on my shelf….you can see him on Legends calls.  He’s always watching.  Observing.  Stalking.

There is another one at home...thought my son might like an Alfred.  

Userlevel 7
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I didn’t end up getting one in Miami but that is a funny photo!

Next chance I’ll get one. My dog loves stuffed animals, he doesn’t destroy them. He just likes to carry them around. 

I though you did!

Hoodies are ok, but Alfred I though it was mandatory!!


Im still complaining with the Wife about all the swag I came home with!

But my daughter is so happy, so 50% - 50% nowadays.


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I didn’t end up getting one in Miami but that is a funny photo!

Next chance I’ll get one. My dog loves stuffed animals, he doesn’t destroy them. He just likes to carry them around. 

I though you did!

Hoodies are ok, but Alfred I though it was mandatory!!


Im still complaining with the Wife about all the swag I came home with!

But my daughter is so happy, so 50% - 50% nowadays.



I basically had to pack my carryon with swag, and put about half of my clothes and my running shoes in my backpack.  Backpack had to be crammed into the overhead had to compress it and wedge it in.  WAY too much swag.  Not complaining.

My dogs tear up most toys, so no Alfred for them….
