Happy Friday everyone!
Today I'd like to see what you're all talking & reading about.
I'm talking blogs, podcasts, vodcasts etc.
Have you got a blog that you're actively writing in? Share it below! Got a blog/podcast/vodcast that you read the moment anything new is released? Share it below and WHY you like it so much?
With tools such as Feedly, Reeder and other RSS clients gathering so many sources of data, it's interesting to see what keeps you "in the know".
For example my RSS feed is full of Legends, Vanguards, and even Veeam staff, so I can see what's going on in the other corners of Veeam. But in addition to that, there are some great sources of information that I love to read up on such as:
Bruce Schneier - https://www.schneier.com/ - A wholistic view of security
Orca Security - https://orca.security - This company has found some incredibly high profile AWS/Azure vulnerabilities with great post-mortums.
Microsoft Security Response Center - https://msrc-blog.microsoft.com/ - Unfortunately some soft blog pieces occasionally, but also some great research papers and guidance for CVEs.
VROOM - https://blogs.vmware.com/performance/ - VMware's blog section focused on performance, great to geek out about high-end platforms and efficiency designs, has performance best practices etc as well.
Geoff Burke - https://geoffburkeblog.com
Michael Cade - https://vzilla.co.uk
Rasmus Haslund - https://rasmushaslund.com
Jorge de la Cruz - https://jorgedelacruz.uk
Anthony Spiteri - https://anthonyspiteri.net
Wolfgang Taitl - https://vnote42.net
Veeam Support Knowledge Base - https://www.veeam.com/knowledge-base
Blocks & Files - https://blocksandfiles.com
That's some of my list, now, please add to it!