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Happy Friday!

We’re over halfway to 2023 (sorry to depress you!), it’s not uncommon for people to start a new year with goals or wishes for the year.


How are yours shaping up? Are you on track? Have you had a busy start to the year but still have time to get on track? Share how you’re doing and any achievements below!


For me, I knew I was starting a new job, so I wanted to make sure I passed my probation (I did), move house (I have), and either advance my Azure, VMware or Kubernetes knowledge and pass an exam in one of these subjects, I haven’t yet but now I’m getting into a better frame of mind I can start on this!


I also had a great year with my blog last year and I wanted to prove its not a fluke by getting a similar view count this year as last year, I’m also proud to say I’ve smashed that 😁


Your turn community!

I‘m now depressed because of you, @MicoolPaul 😏


My main goal was to make my hobby to my job. And it worked out :)


I‘m now depressed because of you, @MicoolPaul 😏


My main goal was to make my hobby to my job. And it worked out :)


And we’re very proud of you for doing so Detective Mildur 👏👏👏 what are you gonna do for the rest of the year since you achieved the goal early?

Achieved my Veeam cert renewals early in the year.  Now working on VMware stuff and trying to learn Kubernetes.  Time is a big thing.

Also will be working on v12 book more than likely so that is still on track since things have somewhat halted with Veeam at the moment.  Waiting on the “What’s New” docs and others.

I recently got promoted to Sr. Systems Administrator.  I’ve learned a lot this year to get this promotion.  

I recently got promoted to Sr. Systems Administrator.  I’ve learned a lot this year to get this promotion.  


I recently got promoted to Sr. Systems Administrator.  I’ve learned a lot this year to get this promotion.  


Achieved my Veeam cert renewals early in the year.  Now working on VMware stuff and trying to learn Kubernetes.  Time is a big thing.

Also will be working on v12 book more than likely so that is still on track since things have somewhat halted with Veeam at the moment.  Waiting on the “What’s New” docs and others.

Best of luck !

Happy Friday!

We’re over halfway to 2023 (sorry to depress you!), it’s not uncommon for people to start a new year with goals or wishes for the year.


How are yours shaping up? Are you on track? Have you had a busy start to the year but still have time to get on track? Share how you’re doing and any achievements below!


For me, I knew I was starting a new job, so I wanted to make sure I passed my probation (I did), move house (I have), and either advance my Azure, VMware or Kubernetes knowledge and pass an exam in one of these subjects, I haven’t yet but now I’m getting into a better frame of mind I can start on this!


I also had a great year with my blog last year and I wanted to prove its not a fluke by getting a similar view count this year as last year, I’m also proud to say I’ve smashed that 😁


Your turn community!

Your blogs are doing good, Keep it up !

Achieved my Veeam cert renewals early in the year.  Now working on VMware stuff and trying to learn Kubernetes.  Time is a big thing.

Also will be working on v12 book more than likely so that is still on track since things have somewhat halted with Veeam at the moment.  Waiting on the “What’s New” docs and others.

Best of luck !

Thanks.  This one should be good. 😎

Well done @DerekA on the promotion, and @Chris.Childerhose on the certifications!


@Inder I see you congratulating others but not talking about yourself? Time to brag it up it’s Friday!!!

Well done @DerekA on the promotion, and @Chris.Childerhose on the certifications!


@InderI see you congratulating others but not talking about yourself? Time to brag it up it’s Friday!!!

Thanks.  Renewing VMware has been fun since I have had to take the ICM course over again due to the time I let slip by on my previous one. 😂

Yes let’s go @Inder time to brag! 🤣

@Chris.Childerhose @MicoolPaul  Well I am working on cert for Hyperconverged Networks ( Nutanix and Cisco) and also Virtualized networks (Vmware). And also putting more efforts on my blogs ( ). 

@Chris.Childerhose @MicoolPaul  Well I am working on cert for Hyperconverged Networks ( Nutanix and Cisco) and also Virtualized networks (Vmware). And also putting more efforts on my blogs ( ). 

Yes blogging is the other thing I really need to work on. 😂

Professionally one of my goals is to finish my VMCE certification….still not there yet but I need to do it very soon….should have it done by the end of September.  I’m also going to be vetting out some product offerings such as deploying Veeam Backup for Office 365 as a service provider but using Wasabi for the storage, as well as learning more about and probably deploying Veeam Disaster Recovery Orchestrator.  As for things I’ve actually completed, I had to do some major infrastructure refreshes at two of our locations and with that I finally have CDP replication running, and it seems to be running pretty well with a 15 second RPO.  Quite pleased about that, vs the 4 hour snapshot replication we had in place for the same machines.  And we have our backups now copied to Wasabi immutable object storage.  I do a lot of the immutable backups for clients, but it seems like our internal stuff always gets neglected so I’m happy to be able to put some focus on that amongst our mass of client projects I’m to wade through.

Personally, I’ve started running, mostly to lose weight and get my blood pressure down.  I needed a short-term goal so will be running a 5k next month, and in my training, I’ve been running 3 times a week for various distances.  Last night I planned on running 4.5k but was doing so well that I just kept running (think Forrest Gump) and ended up finally stopping at 10.63k…..but my legs are feeling it a bit this morning, and I’m betting this is just the start.  At least I have the next two days off.

@dloseke as awesome as your tech accomplishments are, bravo on the running too 👏👏👏


wishing you the best of luck with your VMCE as well! VMCA next year?

@Chris.Childerhose @MicoolPaul  Well I am working on cert for Hyperconverged Networks ( Nutanix and Cisco) and also Virtualized networks (Vmware). And also putting more efforts on my blogs ( ). 

Yes blogging is the other thing I really need to work on. 😂

You should, i would say ! 

Professionally one of my goals is to finish my VMCE certification….still not there yet but I need to do it very soon….should have it done by the end of September.  I’m also going to be vetting out some product offerings such as deploying Veeam Backup for Office 365 as a service provider but using Wasabi for the storage, as well as learning more about and probably deploying Veeam Disaster Recovery Orchestrator.  As for things I’ve actually completed, I had to do some major infrastructure refreshes at two of our locations and with that I finally have CDP replication running, and it seems to be running pretty well with a 15 second RPO.  Quite pleased about that, vs the 4 hour snapshot replication we had in place for the same machines.  And we have our backups now copied to Wasabi immutable object storage.  I do a lot of the immutable backups for clients, but it seems like our internal stuff always gets neglected so I’m happy to be able to put some focus on that amongst our mass of client projects I’m to wade through.

Personally, I’ve started running, mostly to lose weight and get my blood pressure down.  I needed a short-term goal so will be running a 5k next month, and in my training, I’ve been running 3 times a week for various distances.  Last night I planned on running 4.5k but was doing so well that I just kept running (think Forrest Gump) and ended up finally stopping at 10.63k…..but my legs are feeling it a bit this morning, and I’m betting this is just the start.  At least I have the next two days off.

Awesome, Best of luck buddy !

I am now inspired from @MicoolPaul blogs :) 

I am now inspired from @MicoolPaul blogs :) 

This should be the other way round my blog is nothing on yours 💪

Well done @DerekA on the promotion, and @Chris.Childerhose on the certifications!


@InderI see you congratulating others but not talking about yourself? Time to brag it up it’s Friday!!!

Thanks.  Renewing VMware has been fun since I have had to take the ICM course over again due to the time I let slip by on my previous one. 😂

Yes let’s go @Inder time to brag! 🤣

I also renewed my VCP this year. While I thought I still had enough time, I surprisingly noticed that my current VCP was the oldest one supported for a renewal...probably the next VCP would have required me to also attend the ICM again 😬

Well done @DerekA on the promotion, and @Chris.Childerhose on the certifications!


@InderI see you congratulating others but not talking about yourself? Time to brag it up it’s Friday!!!

Thanks.  Renewing VMware has been fun since I have had to take the ICM course over again due to the time I let slip by on my previous one. 😂

Yes let’s go @Inder time to brag! 🤣

I also renewed my VCP this year. While I thought I still had enough time, I surprisingly noticed that my current VCP was the oldest one supported for a renewal...probably the next VCP would have required me to also attend the ICM again 😬

What VCP is it? Mine is 2020 so I’m probably gonna fall of the list soon…

Unfortunately I didn't get as far as I had planned. While I was able to hold my certifications and learn some new important topics, other stuff did fall behind. Like increasing my powershell skills or learning languages(English/Italian). The biggest mistake I'm doing is not setting a goal and therefore not scheduling time for a project. Having a certain date until you need to achieve something makes it much easier to work towards it.

Well done @DerekA on the promotion, and @Chris.Childerhose on the certifications!


@InderI see you congratulating others but not talking about yourself? Time to brag it up it’s Friday!!!

Thanks.  Renewing VMware has been fun since I have had to take the ICM course over again due to the time I let slip by on my previous one. 😂

Yes let’s go @Inder time to brag! 🤣

I also renewed my VCP this year. While I thought I still had enough time, I surprisingly noticed that my current VCP was the oldest one supported for a renewal...probably the next VCP would have required me to also attend the ICM again 😬

What VCP is it? Mine is 2020 so I’m probably gonna fall of the list soon…

It was the VCP-DCV and I had the 2019, which was the oldest one to qualify.

Looking at your VCP-DTM, it looks like you still have some time if you did get the 2020 one.

Thanks was thinking of my VCP-DCV 2020 🙂 the VCP-DTM I’ll be letting lapse, I don’t keep up with that technology anymore and I found myself wasting too much time trying to keep up with the theory but no practical application of it… shame when you’ve studied & invested time in something that you then end up dropping, but you can’t be a master of everything. Like my Skype for Business & Audiocodes certifications, held them all! But I don’t touch unified communications anymore!

Unfortunately I didn't get as far as I had planned. While I was able to hold my certifications and learn some new important topics, other stuff did fall behind. Like increasing my powershell skills or learning languages(English/Italian). The biggest mistake I'm doing is not setting a goal and therefore not scheduling time for a project. Having a certain date until you need to achieve something makes it much easier to work towards it.

Everyone’s running their own race! So celebrate your victories, holding your certs, learning new topics. You’ve still got time to achieve more this year 🙂 got anything you REALLY want to achieve this year?
