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Freedom to choose columns in VAC GUI

Sometimes, I hate to see the limited information offered in the GUI. This has not changed for quite some time now. Veeam should look into enhancing the way GUI displays the contents. 

Do you agree?


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Agreed but also needs to be through all of the UIs they have. Would be nice to customize the VBR one to remove or add more columns.

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Yes, it would be useful to be able to adjust the columns in the GUIs.
Similar to Windows Exporer where you can select all data fields of a file/folder as a column. So there are many fields available in VEEAM for all kind of information (jobs, sessions, tapes, ...)

+1 for this request

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

As long as the GUI/layout stays as it is and is only extended I support your request. (I hope I’ll never wake up and see a complately new GUI… ;) )

Better filtering and searching would be very nice.

Userlevel 6
Badge +1

The feedback was given a number of times and just hoping to get some response from the R&D team. 

I also wanted to see if the R&D folks contribute and help on this platform including Anton Gostev. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

Hi @gulzarshaikhveeam!


I suggest you enter that as a feature request in the Veeam R&D Forums as we don’t ensure all of the FR’s are seen by Veeam Product Management in this community site.



Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Maybe I missed something, but selection of columns is possible in VBR. 

I agree, selectable data is very limited.

About more filter options, read here about new GUI feature in v11:


Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Any update if Veeam is trying to enhance this in v12? Any idea guys?
