
Free space on tape

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Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Just throwing this out there. What do your Tape backup settings look like? Do you have the option to ‘Append to Tapes’ enabled?

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Is this, perhaps, a case of the hardware compression on the drive gone badly wrong? 

The data is a mix of personal and business stuff, and a lot of the personal stuff is digital copies of music and DVDs, so maybe the hardware compression algorithm isn’t working too well?


The data should be compressed by the backup to disk job already, the hardware compression of the drive cannot do much more…


This could be caused by different retention on disk and tape, especially when you are moving the tapes offsite.

But I cannot get the problem completely. When the full backup job would copy some more files because of retention, then this should be shown in the job overview.

I think it is the best if you open a support call for this. Support can analyze the situation in depth.

Userlevel 2

Done some more poking (after having a break spray painting some stuff in the workshop) and the dailys aren’t overwitten - its just the way it appeared in the tree that confused me. Phew…

I’ve checked the media sets, and it’s working as I expect, given the settings. 

I’ve also looked at the numbers, and the last full backup took 4:26:24, which at it’s reported average of 72MB/second, is 1,150,848 MB. Or 1.1TB, so the numbers make sense that it’s transferred 1.1TB to the tape drive.

Is this, perhaps, a case of the hardware compression on the drive gone badly wrong? 

The data is a mix of personal and business stuff, and a lot of the personal stuff is digital copies of music and DVDs, so maybe the hardware compression algorithm isn’t working too well?


Userlevel 2

I had it set it to create a new media set at 12:00 on a Friday to close off the daily tape, and the backup job is set to export the set and eject the tape. 

The file set is showing up as expected in the tape properties, but one thing I’m not sure about is whether each daily shows up separately, or whether it groups them all together. 

I’ve a feeling that having the option set on the job and the tape library is causing the dailys to be overwritten, so only the most recent is included. 

Last week’s daily tape 


Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Hello @Matt C 
Yes it’s a bit strange. You could check which data is on your tape. Right click on a tape, properties and check if the files on it correspond to your selection


Also are you export or eject your tape after the job ending, cause following how you have set your media set the data could be just added to the tape, if you have selecteced the option below.


