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First Veeam Installation Server - Doubts about location installation paths

  • 6 September 2022

Good afternoon Group.

It is the first time that I am going to install veeam with a client, I have been reading a lot of the documentation and watching the how to videos, but I can't find anywhere that recommends me how to partition all the installation paths and on which disks to put the installation paths for 100 VMs.


From what I've read, it would be something like this:


1.-Installation folder at least 40 GB in path A, in this path the database is installed, wouldn't it be better to install the database in another path?


2.-Write cache folder of at least 10 Gb in SSD in path B:?


3.-Guest Catalog Folder, on SSD in path 😨, how much space?


Hopefully someone can give me their recommendation.

Thanks in advance.


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello @crochaveeam and welcome do the green side of the force!


Nice, start reading the help center as you did are ever the best option. Congrats for that!

Other awesome documentation that it’ll be interesting for your first steps with Veeam is the best practices.


So, I don’t see any problem in same path for installation, write cache and guest catalog folders. Considering that you are doing this in a good SSD you can install all of that in the same partition.


However, you must consider a good option for your repository. 100 VMs is not a tiny backup environment.



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

If using SQL Express, I wouldn’t worry much about SQL.  You’ll hit the 10GB DB limit in Express before you would hit any sort of disk sizing issues.  If you were using SQL standard, then it would be on a different server and a non-issue.  If I were to put anything on a separate disk, it would be the backup repo for the VM’s.  That would be my primary concern.

Userlevel 5

I have implementations with more 500 to 1000 VMs and never had any issues with performance because of that.

Even Veeam use DB is not something that is high I/O of writes and reads.

But if you have the option to do it, you can of course. But in view for 100 VMs I don’t think there any advantage on performance. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

As many have noted here the paths you have will be fine even with SQL Express installed in the main path.  “Technically” you don’t need to separate all of them but it is a good idea for the Catalog if you are going to have File Indexing on server backups.  The write cache you can also separate but not a hard requirement.

Check out the links for Help and Best Practices that Mateus posted as those are really great places to start. 👍🏼
