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Failed to create a VSS snapshot

Hi, got a warning email from backup profile. Detail as below:

  • Source is storage server HPE MSL3040 3250
  • Destination is workstation with OS Win Server 2019
  • Profile backup is File to Tape
  • Details warning is: Failed to create a VSS snapshot for E: Details: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

I’m tried to follow this but doesn’t work:
Please anyone if you have clue or suggestion for this issue. Thank you.


Userlevel 2

Hi, revise the information for Source and Destination:

  • Source using Win Server 2019
  • Destination/target using Win Server 2022
Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hello @putu.nicho 

Did you added the user who perform the backup to Backup Operators group?

Userlevel 2

Hi @Moustafa_Hindawi yes, we added to Local Users & Groups

Does the step above is correct?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Yes, it is correct! I prefer to contact Veeam support

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Access denied is typically permission based error so I would double check all that. Also when using the username is it domain\username or hostname\username?  Needs to be one of these formats.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Moustafa_Hindawi yes, we added to Local Users & Groups

Does the step above is correct?

Aside from checking the username format Chris mentioned, though the KB states to add the user to Backup Operators...did you try to add the user to the local Admin group just to see if that works? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

To be sure about the reason of this error you need to check the VSS logs in the source machine.
Usually they are located on C:\Programdata\Veeam\Backup. You should see files with the names:

  • VeeamGuestHelper
  • VeeamVssSupport

This could help to identify the problem.
Also, it’s a good idea to run the command below to see if the Writer are all stable:

vssadmin list writers

Userlevel 2

Hi @coolsport00 yes, we did that, but still doesn’t work. Do you think its because of different version of Windows Server?

  • Source: Win Server 2019
  • Destination: Win Server 2022
Userlevel 2

Hi @wesmrt will try your suggestion and will let you know. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

@putu.nicho - not likely. What kind of backup are you doing? Agent with VBR or Standalone Agent? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Just as a test try adding to local admins group. 

Verify the service account on the Veeam console is correct with the correct password.

Make sure the service account is using the right syntax.  Veeambackup\password vs\password 

I’ve had the above catch me before using a domain account but not specifying it correctly. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @wesmrt will try your suggestion and will let you know. 

Hi @putu.nicho for me @wesmrt reply was perfect to solve your issue. 

With vssadmin list writers command you receive a list of vss and its status. 

This link can help you to know more on VSS.

Userlevel 2

Hi @coolsport00 we are using Agent with VBR

Userlevel 2

@Scott we did that already, still failed.

Userlevel 2

Hi @wesmrt and @Andanet we couldn’t find VeeamVssSupport, can you give us some clue for that?



Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @wesmrt and @Andanet we couldn’t find VeeamVssSupport, can you give us some clue for that?



Have you run the vssasdmin on source server? Is there where you check the issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Hi @wesmrt and @Andanet we couldn’t find VeeamVssSupport, can you give us some clue for that?



Go to your Win2019 source server and run the command that was indicated by Wesley.  That is where you should see this if the agent is installed.

Userlevel 2

Hi @wesmrt and @Andanet we couldn’t find VeeamVssSupport, can you give us some clue for that?



Go to your Win2019 source server and run the command that was indicated by Wesley.  That is where you should see this if the agent is installed.

Hi @Chris.Childerhose no agent is installed from my Win2019 source server. how to make it happened or installed? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Hi @wesmrt and @Andanet we couldn’t find VeeamVssSupport, can you give us some clue for that?



Go to your Win2019 source server and run the command that was indicated by Wesley.  That is where you should see this if the agent is installed.

Hi @Chris.Childerhose no agent is installed from my Win2019 source server. how to make it happened or installed? 

You need to push the agent from the VBR console or install it manually.  The VBR console allows you to control the VSS part and schedule jobs.

Check here -

