Hi @LemonFridge - did you try and manually delete the database as well? If you're attempting v12, it'll be PostgreSQL.
If Programs & Features doesn't show it, you probably have residual folders left. Can you see that Directory listed in the error?
Hi @coolsport00 coolsport00!
Thanks for your troubleshooting steps.
I've removed PostgresSQL from the server, it was the only database running anyway.
It's not in Programs and Features, directory (C:\Program Files\Veeam\Backup and Replication\) doesnt exist.
Ok, check the ProgramData/Veeam folder, if it exists. Last option is to check the Registry, likely in HKLM
I've already removed: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Veea;
ProgramData/Veaam is deleted;
Then rebooted;
Still getting the same error unfortunately.
Ok, well...since the error is referencing an actual service, look for it in Services. If still there, delete it with the sc cmd.
Hi @LemonFridge,
> I started installing Veaam backup&replication (v12). I ran out of space on the VM where it was installed so I aborted the installation
The issues seems to me like what you have mentioned before. Your device does not meet the minimum requirement. Kindly check this and ensure you are running the installer with the administrative privilege.
@Iams3le Thanks for your answer I've increased the storage space by a lot. CPU/Ram meet the requirements, even if it didnt it should not give an error like that? It's running as admin.
@coolsport00 I've deleted all services of Veeam and did a reboot. Still no luck.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> cli | Loading kernel32.dll ...
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | {
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | Path to the executable module: C:\Windows\Veeam\Backup\VeeamDeploymentSvc.exe
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | Module version:
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | Build edition: standard
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | OS version: Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (1809, 64-bit) (10.0.17763)
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | Process Id: 3456
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | }
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> | Port settings were read from registry. Port: '6160'.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.051] < 3460> dpl | Deployment service was installed from msi.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> dpl | COM subsystem is initialized.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> dpl | Deployment service was installed from msi.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> dpl | Registering event log ('Veeam Backup') and event source ('Veeam Backup') in windows registry.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> dpl | Resource dll ('VeeamMPLogMsgs.dll') was not found. Event source will not be registered.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> dpl | Registering event log ('Veeam Backup') and event source ('Veeam Backup') in windows registry. ok.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> | Getting Domain Controller
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> | Domain name: 'SERVERIP.com'
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> | Domain controller name: '\\toegang.SERVERIP.com'
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> | Getting Domain Controller ok.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> | Registering SPN for 'Veeam Installer Service' service on 'CN=HOSTNAME,CN=Computers,DC=SERVERIP,DC=com'
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.223] < 3808> | Binding Domain Controller '\\toegang.SERVERIP.com' (Domain Name='SERVERIP.com')
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.504] < 3808> | Binding Domain Controller '\\toegang.SERVERIP.com' (Domain Name='SERVERIP.com') ok.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.504] < 3808> | Service Principal Name (SPN): VeeamDeploySvc/HOSTNAME.SERVERIP.com
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.504] < 3808> | Service Principal Name (SPN): VeeamDeploySvc/HOSTNAME
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.504] < 3808> | Registering SPN for 'Veeam Installer Service' service on 'CN=HOSTNAME,CN=Computers,DC=SERVERIP,DC=com' ok.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.504] < 3808> rpc | Starting RPC listening.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.504] < 3808> rpc | Specified port for listening: [6160].
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.504] < 3808> rpc | Specified port for listening: [11731].
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.520] < 3808> rpc | Service SPN: [VeeamDeploySvc/HOSTNAME.SERVERIP.com]
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.520] < 3808> rpc | Service SPN: [VeeamDeploySvc/HOSTNAME]
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.520] < 3808> rpc | RPC authentication records were initialized.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.551] < 3808> rpc | RPC server is initialized.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.551] < 3808> dpl | Updating active RPC ports information.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.551] < 3808> dpl | Loading DeploymentDll...
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.551] < 3808> dpl | Loading library. Path [C:\Windows\Veeam\Backup\VeeamDeploymentDll.dll]
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.551] < 3808> | Loading module: C:\Windows\Veeam\Backup\VeeamDeploymentDll.dll
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | Destroying DllInvoker: dll version [] ...
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | ERR |Failed to call PrepareForUnload.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |Library not loaded. CmdName: [PrepareForUnload] inParam: []
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |An exception was thrown from thread [3808].
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | Loading library. Path [C:\Windows\Veeam\Backup\VeeamDeploymentDll.dll] Failed.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | Loading DeploymentDll... Failed.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | ERR |Failed to load VeeamDeploymentDll.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |The specified module could not be found.
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |Dynamic library cannot be loaded. Path to library: [C:\Windows\Veeam\Backup\VeeamDeploymentDll.dll].
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |--tr:Error code: 0x0000007e
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |--tr:Failed to load library [C:\Windows\Veeam\Backup\VeeamDeploymentDll.dll].
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |--tr:Failed to load library: VeeamDeploymentDll. Path: [C:\Windows\Veeam\Backup\VeeamDeploymentDll.dll].
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | >> |An exception was thrown from thread [3808].
[03.07.2023 16:01:44.567] < 3808> dpl | VeeamDeploymentDll library was not loaded.
[03.07.2023 16:20:42.203] < 3460> rpc | Stopping RPC server.
[03.07.2023 16:20:42.203] < 3460> rpc | Server was successfully stopped.
[03.07.2023 16:20:42.203] < 3460> dpl | VeeamDeploymentDll library was not loaded.
Here's a snippet of the logs, it obviously cant load the files since that directory does not exist. But why does it think that?
Take a look in c:\program files\common\Veeam as well.
Hmm...at this point @LemonFridge ..I’m outta of suggestions. Have you tried Veeam Support?
I think I have had to delete that veeam folder there once when I was doing a re-install but to be honest not sure.
> Here's a snippet of the logs, it obviously cant load the files since that directory does not exist. But why does it think that?
This could mean numerous things. Since you aborted the installation previously, have you tried repairing the Veeam Backup and Replication installation? Also consider downloading a fresh copy of the file.
Also try removing the referenced directory during cleanup - C:\Windows\Veeam. See if that helps.
Already had removed C:\Windows\Veaam, now also removed C:/Program Files/Common Files/Veeam. Still the same error unfortunately.
Already had removed C:\Windows\Veaam, now also removed C:/Program Files/Common Files/Veeam. Still the same error unfortunately.
Sounds like a support case is needed at this point.
This is the community editon, so a support case would probably not be responded to.
Anyone else got some more troubleshooting steps I can try?
Anyone else got some more troubleshooting steps I can try?
At this point the only thing I can think of would be to try the install on another machine maybe to see if it works. After that I am sure formatting the machine is not a possibility and if not, I know it is CE edition, but a support ticket would be the best direction even best effort support.
This is the community editon, so a support case would probably not be responded to.
Kindly take a look at section 4.3: https://www.veeam.com/support-policy.html
Thanks for providing the link @Iams3le. I did submit a case already 
@Chris.Childerhose I guess that's the best option, I can't format the machine and would have liked CE to be on there too, but I might be able to install it somewhere else.
I know this thread is a bit old, but I ran into the same issue. In the end, I figured out how to remove this issue.
In the mounted ISO directory. I navigated to Catalog folder > VeeamBackupCatalog64.msi
I ran that, and it allowed me to remove the backup catalog that was not listed in the control panel or anywhere else I could find.
I had deleted all references to Veeam - registry, file explorer, services, etc, this was the only thing that resolved the error.
I know this thread is a bit old, but I ran into the same issue. In the end, I figured out how to remove this issue.
In the mounted ISO directory. I navigated to Catalog folder > VeeamBackupCatalog64.msi
I ran that, and it allowed me to remove the backup catalog that was not listed in the control panel or anywhere else I could find.
I had deleted all references to Veeam - registry, file explorer, services, etc, this was the only thing that resolved the error.
Thanks for sharing this tip. I forgot about that msi file. 🫣
I ran into the same issue. So as per above instructions i have done this
In the mounted ISO directory. I navigated to Catalog folder > VeeamBackupCatalog64.msi , but hard luck i am still stuck at the same error