I’m going to be likely setting up a new client on a VBR VM with a local NAS as their primary repository (I know...I’d rather do a purpose-built physical server but cost is an issue) and Wasabi object storage for an off-site copy (and likely replication to 11:11 Systems VCC for DR). I’m curious now that we have backup to object and copy to object capabilities, what you folks are doing for that second copy? Traditionally I obviously have used a SOBR using Wasabi as the capacity tier in Copy mode (move mode disabled *usually*, but I just noted that I’m performing copy and move for my internal server) so that I had the data in both locations.
However, now that we can backup and copy direct to object, curious if anyone has abandoned the SOBR and are instead using a copy job to send data to the object storage and are keeping the data there with the traditional copy job managing things.