Hi everyone
With so much Veeamazing content being produced daily, it’s great if we can keep this all tidy.
Once thing I’ve noticed recently is an increase in content that’s been miscategorised.
When creating a topic, such as this one, the very first thing you’re asked is “What kind of topic are you creating?”

Today I want to discuss, when is a ‘Question’ appropriate?
To put simply, a question should be chosen when you are in need of a specific answer for your needs/information. This would be questions that have a specific goal in mind, and can clearly be defined.
Examples include:
‘How do I create a backup job to tape?’
‘Where do I find the latest patch for Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365?’
‘Why does Veeam keep reporting low disk space on my backup job?’
‘When does Veeam plan to release VBR v12’
‘What is a backup chain?’
But sometimes, questions aren’t really questions in the sense of a question & answer, but instead, they’re more around guidance and opinion. The confusion is typically when people are questioning others on how they do things. These are when it’s more appropriate to choose ‘Content’.
Examples include:
‘How frequently do you backup to tape?’
‘What object storage do you recommend?
‘Where is everyone saving object backups to?’
‘When should you use immutability?’
‘Why use Veeam?’
Ever unsure in the future? Refer back to this post, or rule number 9 here:
Happy Posting!