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Can't upgrade to or install Veeam Agent on Windows 10

  • 17 September 2022

Hello, I attempted to upgrade a v4 Veeam Agent (free version -- this is at home) to the latest v5.0.3.4708 and it failed, saying I needed to install Sql Server 2012 Express localdb, which was already there. (FWIW I successfully did this upgrade on two other similar PCs before trying this one.) I tried uninstalling the old version of Veeam and it still failed. I then uninstalled Sql Server Management Objects and CLR Types, trying to get a clean slate. The installer said it was installing the prerequisites, then died again. The logs say that Sql Server installed successfully, but either Veeam just doesn’t think so, or it can’t see it. The “endpoint<timestamp>.log” is showing an exception that just doesn’t say much of anything.

n16.09.2022 14:28:53] INFO] Checking presence of Microsoft Universal C Runtime redist.
i16.09.2022 14:28:53] INFO] 'ucrtbase.dll' module is found, redistributable is already installed.
l16.09.2022 14:28:53] INFO] Checking presence of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 System CLR Types...
s16.09.2022 14:28:53] INFO] Requested assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Types Version: 11
:16.09.2022 14:28:53] INFO] Requested assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types' version 11 is found in GAC, checking detailed version in registry...
y16.09.2022 14:28:53] INFO] Installing 'Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types' redistributable...
e16.09.2022 14:28:53] INFO] Package path: C:\Users\Ralph\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX1\EndPoint\Redistr\x64\SQLSysClrTypes.msi
.16.09.2022 14:28:56] INFO] Installation of 'Microsoft SQL Server System CLR Types' redistributable is complete.
e16.09.2022 14:28:56] INFO] Checking presence of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SMO redist...
t16.09.2022 14:28:56] INFO] Requested assembly: Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo Version: 11
:16.09.2022 14:28:56] INFO] Requested assembly '{0}' version {1} is not found in GAC, redistributable is not installed.
l16.09.2022 14:28:56] INFO] Installing 'Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects' redistributable...
e16.09.2022 14:28:56] INFO] Package path: C:\Users\Ralph\AppData\Local\Temp\RarSFX1\EndPoint\Redistr\x64\SharedManagementObjects.msi
.16.09.2022 14:29:02] INFO] Installation of 'Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects' redistributable is complete.
e16.09.2022 14:29:02] INFO] Checking presence of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Local DB...
B16.09.2022 14:29:02] INFO] Requested 'InstanceAPIPath' registry key at the 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Installed Versions\11.0\' path is found, Checking version.
i16.09.2022 14:29:02] INFO] Required version: 11.4.7001.0; Found version: 11.4.7001.0
016.09.2022 14:29:02] INFO] Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Local DB upgrade is not required.
r16.09.2022 14:29:03] ERROR] System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Fatal error during installation
  at Veeam.Setup.MsiLibrary.VmMsiCommon.CheckError(VmMsiDatabase db, UInt32 result)
  at Veeam.Setup.MsiLibrary.VmMsiCommon.InstallProduct(String product, String commandLine, Boolean& bReboot)
  at Veeam.Setup.Endpoint.Core.MsiPackageInstaller.InstallWithProgressHandling(IProgressReporter progressReporter, String msiPackage, String commandLine, String logFile)
  at Veeam.Setup.Endpoint.Core.ProductInstaller.Install(IProgressReporter progressReporter)
  at Veeam.Setup.Endpoint.Core.InstallerEngine.Install(IProgressReporter progressReporter)
R16.09.2022 14:29:03].ERROR] Installation failed.
n16.09.2022 14:29:03].INFO] InstallerEngine session completed. Result = Failed

I’ve now lost my ability to back up this computer. I found a similar sounding thread on this forum, but that one appeared to show that the SQL Server installation was in fact failing, where mine looks like it’s succeeding.

Does anyone have any ideas how to get this working? Is there any more info I can provide?



Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Which version of Windows 10 are you running? 21H2?


Not that I believe it is the root cause but the installer is successfully passing the SQL Server 2012 LocalDB and then giving us a 0x80004005 error code which is normally unspecified. Can you check Windows Event Viewer around the time of that error to see if anything got caught there?


I suggest forcing SQL Server 2012 LocalDB off the machine, and letting the installer re-run after a reboot.


I’d also suggest downloading another copy of the install media.


Appreciate those answers above are fairly generic but let’s get those out the way and see how that changes the logs to go from there!

Userlevel 1

Hi Michael,

Thanks so much for the quick response! Always good to make sure we’re on the same page...

I just did the following:

Uninstall SQL Server 2012 Express localdb and SQL Server CLR Types


Re-download the Veeam Agent (free edition) v5.0.3.4708

Run the installer.

Same thing happened. It went through the “installing prerequisites” step, then failed. The endpoint<timestamp> log is identical, and there’s nothing interesting in the Event Log -- just one error saying that the Veeam installation failed with an error saying to “please install the following prerequisites” and listed Sql Server 2012 Express localdb version (11.4.7001.0 or later).



Userlevel 1

Oh, sorry, forgot to mention that the machine’s running Windows 10 Pro 21H1.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Apart from SQL Express LocalDB, have you checked/reinstalled MS .NET framework 4.5.2 on this machine? The required version should be installed by Veeam agent setup during the „prerequisites“ phase, but it might not detect installed/broken version correctly.

Userlevel 1

Here’s something…  When I look at a working system’s applications I see the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Objects

Microsoft System CLR types for SQL Server 2012

On the failing system, SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB isn’t there -- Veeam is installing the other two but not that one. Could there be something left over in the registry that’s tricking Veeam into thinking it’s already installed? If so do you have any idea what it might be?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Veeam is finding the InstanceAPIPath registry key during installation within the following path:

SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Installed Versions\11.0\

So I’d say your registry needs cleaning up 🙂

I’d start by purging everything at SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\

Then see how it goes 🙂

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Veeam is finding the InstanceAPIPath registry key during installation within the following path:

SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\Installed Versions\11.0\

So I’d say your registry needs cleaning up 🙂

I’d start by purging everything at SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Local DB\

Then see how it goes 🙂

Yes, I think too a clean registry can do the job. Make sure to do a rstrui and reg export before that

Userlevel 1

That did it! I uninstalled the two SQL Server components that showed in the Apps list, removed the Registry Key for “… localDB”, rebooted, and the Veeam installation ran smoothly. The system is backing up now.

Thanks so much for your help!


Userlevel 7
Badge +22

You’re very welcome 🙂 thanks for marking an answer too!
