This is a great achievement to say the least. Working for a service provider means non stop action so finding the time and strength to also write a book is in itself worth applauding. In addition it is exactly that experience “in the trenches” that puts this work apart from the “just theory” narratives.
Great Job Chris!!
Thanks for the compliments @Geoff Burke appreciate it. I tried to use the MSP perspective in the book.
Very good book! I´m reading and is a very good source. Thanks for your effort put on this.
Very good book! I´m reading and is a very good source. Thanks for your effort put on this.
Thanks for the compliments. It was a labor of love as they say. LOL
I am very glad to get positive feedback here and with reviews on Amazon too. Nice to see the book is being liked by the community. 
Thanks for the compliments. Feel free to put a review on Amazon too if you like.
I wanted to hold out until I’d finished the book but just came here to say I’ve JUST finished reading it, well done! I’ve been using Veeam for many years but I still was learning more and more by the chapter. Great job!