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Blog of the Month

Blog of the Month Winner June 2024

Blog of the Month Winner June 2024

Today, we are happy to reveal the winner of the June 2024 Blog of the Month  edition, with 9 votes for his blog titled "Visualize Veeam Syslog Data in Elastic" Fantastic job, congratulations, @SteveHeart ! 😻




Userlevel 7
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Congratulations @SteveHeart!

Userlevel 7
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Well done @SteveHeart . It was a great article. I liked Antonio’s too!

Userlevel 7
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Congrats 🎉 @SteveHeart on the win. Was a great article like them all.

Userlevel 7
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Thanks, guys. All posts are important and valuable! Everybody wins when the content can help somebody within our huge customer and community base.

Wink-wink to @Madi.Cristil 😉More to come around this topic; there is still much to explain.

Userlevel 7
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Thanks, guys. All posts are important and valuable! Everybody wins when the content can help somebody within our huge customer and community base.

Wink-wink to @Madi.Cristil 😉More to come around this topic; there is still much to explain.

Well deserved , Mr. Steve! And definitely waiting on more great content ;) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

congrats @SteveHeart !!
