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Big Thank you to the Community Teeam at Veeam

Hi Folks,


This is a good time of year to look back and be grateful for things that we have. I think everyone will agree here that the Veeam Community Hub is a stellar success! I wanted to thank the Veeam folks, past and present who have made this place what it is. @Rick Vanover @Madi.Cristil @NikolaPejkova @Kseniya @safiya work/worked very hard to not only keep this place running but to proactively improve it. Even with such success they remain humble and approachable people.

As everyone in IT knows, when things are working well people take it for granted (I had a non IT boss once who rather foolishly 😆 claimed to upper management during a meeting that “these systems just run themselves”) but we know they don’t.  In contrast, when things go badly the blame game gets targeted squarely on the humans behind the machines or systems. The same is very true about the Community Hub, “It Just Works” in Marketing jargon, but translated into human dialect “It Just Works because of the efforts of the people mentioned above!!”

We should have a new badge MVL (MVP, Vanguard, Legend) and award it to those folks for the Holidays!!







Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Absolutely agree with all of this. The community is the best place with the best people and looking forward to a great 2023. Happy holidays to everyone.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Such a beautiful message, @Geoff Burke ! Thank you very much! 😊 Have a wonderful Christmas! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

This is so thoughtful of you @Geoff Burke. These guys are amazing and they have made the engagement easy/flawless for everyone. Compliments of the season to these amazing fellows and the community at large!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

If there is one thing I’m not, but I’m learning, is to think outside of myself and be grateful for those in our lives that do such great things.  I’m thankful for folks like Geoff who think this way and remind me to be grateful for those same things.  Thanks to everyone on the Veeam team, and to the Vanguards and Legends.  I’m so honored to be part of this community, learn a lot, help spread what knowledge I have, and make this a better team and better product, and enjoy the fellowship of this community.  Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Happy New Year to you all.  Looking forward to what 2023 brings, including, but not limited to v12.  😁

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

You’re awesome, @Geoff Burke! Glad you’re here, man! I second everything you said.
