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Backup Copy Jobs Configuration

  • 29 November 2023

Hello everybody,

I have the following question regarding Backup Copy Jobs:

  • I will create Backup Copy Jobs with Immediate Copying
  • Backup Jobs are configured with incremental + Synthetic Full Backups going to Windows Repo (ReFS 64KB) connected via iSCSI to our NAS storage, Utilizing FastClone option.

Now I would like to know is this going to be the same for backup copy jobs?
I have 2 Wan Accelerators (Source and Target), Windows Repo on Target Location also connected via iSCSI to NAS Storage that is formatted as ReFs.

Are they going to do the same configuration as primary backup chain, incrementals + syntethical (Fast Clone)

What are the general best practices for Backup Copy Jobs
I would like to have identical setup as Backup Jobs on Primary Site


Userlevel 7
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Hi @NemanjaJanicic - see the Guide for BCJ on the “Mode” BCJs use. It uses the FFwd mode (see #5). So if you have occasional Fulls for your source Backup, no...BCJ won’t mirror the job. 

Userlevel 7
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There’s no way I know of to have ‘occasional Fulls’, except to configure GFS settings in your BCJ to do weekly Fulls and maybe 1 or 2 monthly’s. Just depends on your needs/goals.

Userlevel 7
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There’s no way I know of to have ‘occasional Fulls’, except to configure GFS settings in your BCJ to do weekly Fulls and maybe 1 or 2 monthly’s. Just depends on your needs/goals.

Isn’t Backup Copy Jobs copying everything from Primary to Secondary Location?
Shoudln’t that be the same exact copy of Backup files from Primary on target locations

Userlevel 7
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I see what you’re saying now. Yes, I think the BCJ should copy all the source Backups as they are on the Repo it resides on. But, BCJ files are their own files as well. Again, from the Guide link I provided you, it says the following:

  • If the backup chain is created in the forward or forever forward incremental backup method, Veeam Backup & Replication copies data blocks from the first full backup and a set of incremental backups.

So, it “should” copy your Backup job data as you have it configured. But, the BCJ job files themselves are as I shared - in the FFwd mode. The BCJ restore points do not mirror Backup job restore points. I would reach out to Support for further clarification, as I understand your confusion. 

Userlevel 7
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I see what you’re saying now. Yes, I think the BCJ should copy all the source Backups as they are on the Repo it resides on. But, BCJ files are their own files as well. Again, from the Guide link I provided you, it says the following:

  • If the backup chain is created in the forward or forever forward incremental backup method, Veeam Backup & Replication copies data blocks from the first full backup and a set of incremental backups.

So, it “should” copy your Backup job data as you have it configured. But, the BCJ job files themselves are as I shared - in the FFwd mode. The BCJ restore points do not mirror Backup job restore points. I would reach out to Support for further clarification, as I understand your confusion. 

Yes, I need to take a closer look on few topics regarding this.
I want to make it perform as best it can be.

Thank you for your help.

Userlevel 7
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There’s no way I know of to have ‘occasional Fulls’, except to configure GFS settings in your BCJ to do weekly Fulls and maybe 1 or 2 monthly’s. Just depends on your needs/goals.

This would be the only way to work around this.  BCJ jobs are not a mirror of backup jobs that is for sure as there are slight differences as noted in the documentation.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @NemanjaJanicic ...did we answer your question. Just following up to make sure all is good.

