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Backup Copy Job - Backup Jobs selected

  • 1 December 2023


I would need some general advices in creating Backup Copy Jobs.
Is it okay to choose every Backup Job and insert it in the Backup Copy Job, as I can see there is no option to create in which order they will perform etc.



Hi @NemanjaJanicic - yes, you can choose all of them, but considering a couple of them are terabyte in size, you may want to consider placing 1 or 2 of them in their own Copy job. Yeah, there isn’t a way (that I know of), to reorder jobs in the list. They’ll just be processed at random I believe. Prior to v12, there was an option to add “objects” From Infrastructure, not just From Backups or From Repository. So, you could choose individual VMs, and then order them. Although, that wouldn’t really meet your needs.

I generally specify from Backup Jobs and select all of my jobs.  On occasion I do it from repository.  The initial seed can take a while if there are some large VM’s to copy there.  That said, I don’t get too worried after the initial seed is done unless the servers also have a high change rate and there’s always going to be a lot of data to be copied.  But that said, I don’t generally see a difference between splitting up jobs vs one job unless I’m using different retention policies for different machines or want to run on a different schedule such as periodic for some machines and immediate for others, or something like that.
