What we have:
- A Protection Group (protection-sql) containing SQL Server Cluster: sql_c01 with two sql Servers. sql1 and sql2
- I have one agent Backup Job bj-sql-01 , Type “Failover Cluster”. Useing a sobr with aws capacity and archive tiers.
- Anything is working absolutely fine. Backup ist fine. Offloading is fine.
Whats going on:
- Both sql servers will be renewed. There will be two new sql server. sql1-new and sql2-new (agent already installed)
- After installation, both new sql servers will useing the same SQL Server Cluster sql-c01
- sql1 and sql2 will be turned off.
My Accepetion:
Should I build a new backup job (clone) or is it possible to keep the existing backup job. bj-sql-01 ?
- I would manually initiate a Protection Group rescan. The new sql-server should appear in the Protection Group protection-sql the OLD sql server should disappear, because they do not belong to the sql cluster anymore.
- The existing backup job should recocognize the missing sql Server but will continue backup the new servers. I expect an active full backup, because auf new servers.