Grafana Dashboard for Veeam Backup & Replication

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i think the RestApi isn't available in ‘Community version’ == REST API is not available in your product edition.

I have Veeam B&R 12 Enterprise Plus it’s not a community version.

i think the RestApi isn't available in ‘Community version’ == REST API is not available in your product edition.

Hi Jorge, don’t know if you got this, I looked it up and maybe it is my version of influxdb. I will continue to search but wanted to run the error by you:

Writing veeam_vbr_info to InfluxDB
Error: failed to write data: 400 Bad Request: unable to parse 'veeam_vbr_info,veeamVBRId=,veeamVBRName=,veeamVBRVersion=,veeamVBR=mvm-ldc-vbr-01:9419 vbr=1': missing tag value


My guess is perhaps that my version of influxdb has some syntax changes? 

Have you faced this error ? :

Error: failed to write data: 400 Bad Request: invalid field format

Because i think it’s related to versions !

Userlevel 7
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I don’t see why not tbh; maybe Jorge can chime in with the definitive answer….

Hello everyone, does the sh code also work with Veeam B&R v12? Build

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I personally haven’t been able to get to the install yet, but hopefully within the next couple wks. Hopefully Jorge can give an assist here...

Appears I’m a bit stuck and haven’t been able to resolve the issue. Upon running the script I get the following errors

Writing veeam_vbr_info to InfluxDB
./ line 63: influx: command not found
Writing veeam_vbr_sessions to InfluxDB
./ line 112: influx: command not found


Both lines reference “influx write \” . Any ideas what I might be missing here?

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I’m running Influx, Telegraf, and Grafana on a windows box. It was MUCH easier to get it setup in Linux, especially because I wanted it to have automatic windows updates/reboot, and have it start itself and display on a dashboard without any intervention. I got it going but if you follow a Linux Grafana tutorial it just seems to be so much easier. 


That being said, I need to try this dashboard out. It looks great.  What permissions are needed to gather the data? Can I create a read only account for this? 


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Really appreciate the assist @jorge.delacruz !

Userlevel 7
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Hello guys, the initial steup, that is InfluxDB v2.0, and Grafana, plus telegraf optional can be found here:

It works on Ubuntu 22.04 as well.

Ping me if you need anything :)

Thanks for sharing that Jorge.

Userlevel 7
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Hello guys, the initial steup, that is InfluxDB v2.0, and Grafana, plus telegraf optional can be found here:

It works on Ubuntu 22.04 as well.

Ping me if you need anything :)

Userlevel 7
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Appreciate the links/info Geoff!

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the links.  I will check them out.

Userlevel 7
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Grafana here.


But again he has instructions from a while back combining them both. I don’t think that would have changed. If you have any issues ask here I try and help as well

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Here is influxdb separate on the latest ubuntu

Userlevel 7
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Hi Guys, you can go to his previous install instructions for influx and grafana and then just add on this part.

You can also find a lot of them available on the web too. I had one setup already with prometheus (but did not have influxdb so added that.



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@Chris.Childerhose Right?? Phew...glad I wasn’t the only one 😊

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Sooo...what explicitly is the install process? I can put this on a Linux server (Ubuntu 22.04), so what prereq’s do I need to install on it? These instructions, at least to me, seem to be a bit erratic & non-structured. Need a Step by Step process. e.g. 1. Create a Linux Server; 2. Install this and/or this on the Linux server; 3. Go here and download this; 4. Install this; 5. Run this; etc, etc. I’m kind of simple-minded ...sorry 😉 But, I’d like to see what this can do. Thanks for the effort and the assist!

Yeah I would love this too Shane. Want to get Grafana going but need the dummies guide. 😜🤣

Userlevel 7
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Sooo...what explicitly is the install process? I can put this on a Linux server (Ubuntu 22.04), so what prereq’s do I need to install on it? These instructions, at least to me, seem to be a bit erratic & non-structured. Need a Step by Step process. e.g. 1. Create a Linux Server; 2. Install this and/or this on the Linux server; 3. Go here and download this; 4. Install this; 5. Run this; etc, etc. I’m kind of simple-minded ...sorry 😉 But, I’d like to see what this can do. Thanks for the effort and the assist!

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Amateur Hour: I was wondering why I had no data ingested after a few days.. then remembered.. that I had forgot to setup the cronjob :) 

Userlevel 7
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Ok all good. Dashboard looks great Thanks Jorge!

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Ok solved the issue. After trying the influx write commands on the cli I realized that there was no syntax issue. What was really happening was something was messed up with my authentication to the VBR server. Long story short I created a new user, tested it in swagger then used that in the script and everything worked. Just goes to show be careful with errors messages they can point you don’t the wrong road. On the positive side I know a lot more now about influx db and its commands :) 

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Thanks @jorge.delacruz 

Userlevel 7
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Hi Jorge, don’t know if you got this, I looked it up and maybe it is my version of influxdb. I will continue to search but wanted to run the error by you:

Writing veeam_vbr_info to InfluxDB
Error: failed to write data: 400 Bad Request: unable to parse 'veeam_vbr_info,veeamVBRId=,veeamVBRName=,veeamVBRVersion=,veeamVBR=mvm-ldc-vbr-01:9419 vbr=1': missing tag value


My guess is perhaps that my version of influxdb has some syntax changes? 

Userlevel 7
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Hello RonV,

Yes, RESTful API works only on Enterprise Plus, for both, VBR and EM. If I have time I might build something using Windows Events combined with PowerShell perhaps.
