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Veeam Usage Report for VMware Cloud Director

Deprecated: This script will not work with Veeam Backup & Replication v12. For v12 support, please use the VSPC-HostedUsage scripts.


The PowerShell script to retrieve Veeam backup usage for VMware Cloud Director (VCD) Organizations is now available on VeeamHub! Below is a brief description of its functionality. For more detailed information, please follow the VeeamHub link.

For each organization, the following is provided:

  • Total number of VMs in backups
  • Total amount of space used in repositories

The usage data can be aggregated on the Organization-level or the Org VDC-level. This is useful when backups for different Org VDCs are billed differently.

The scope of the usage returned is also customizable. It can be limited to self-service backups, created by the Veeam Self-Service Portal (VSSP) for VCD, or it can also include backups created directly on the backup server by the provider.

NOTE: Before using this script in a production environment, I recommend you verify that numbers match up to your environment. This script uses undocumented API calls that are subject to change.


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Very nice script Chris.  Will be checking it out for sure and testing.

Hi Chris,

Why was support for this script discontinued for v12? The new version “VSPC-HostedUsage scripts” requires the use of the Veeam Service Provider Console, which is not needed in my environment(I only have Veeam Backup backing up VMware Cloud Director VMs, with Enterprise Manager for the Selft Service). Additionally, it requires my Veeam Server to be in Cloud Connect mode. What options do we have for those of us who only need a simple report with the Tenant, Backed-up Servers, and Used Space? One of the many consoles should already provide this information without without complexity
