Guys, I've created a script to automatically create SPO and Teams jobs. Main features include
- Create jobs for all currently unprotected SPO sites and teams
- Build jobs based on a object-limit per job (incl. recurse option to cope with SP subsites)
- Distribute jobs over different repositories automatically (which includes proxy balancing of course)
- Add matching teams to the same job as the SP site as per BP
- Automatic scheduling with delays per job (configurable)
- All built on the VB365 API - so no M365 application or so required
- Include & excludes possible
- Can put objects in a job pointing to a repository which already contains backups of this object
The script is available on VeeamHub: powershell/VB365-JobManager at master · VeeamHub/powershell (
I already have two larger customers using versions of this script and am looking for more feedback of course.