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Update Jan 13th - Latest version available on


It's always recommended to open a support case as soon you're facing an issue with Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365. But as systems engineers, we somehow always want to know what happens under the hood :wink:

That's why I started writing a VBO Health Check script which quickly gives some useful information about the health of a Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 setup. The script checks and reports possible issues/misconfigurations:

    - Backup Job Status per Job / Number of failed job
    - License expiration date
    - Check logs if throtthling occured on MS side
    - Possible slow backup due to slow backup repository
    - Proxy stuff (min. recommended CPU and Memory)
    - Check Windows event log for low memory conditions    
    - Logfile with the findings

Logfile gets stored in “C:\Scripts\Veeam\vbo\vbo_healthcheck_<computername>.log”

Note: The script is still "work in progress". Feedback welcome.

Great work @SteveHeart - I ran that successfully for both my demo environments  :clap:

Thanks @SteveHeart 

I will try the script on my servers.

Hi @SteveHeart, the script runs perfectly fine !

One recommendation would be a “read-host” variable to decide where to store log files to as it is hardcoded at the moment. If you have the script on github, link it here I’m doing a PR then :D

Hi @SteveHeart, the script runs perfectly fine !

One recommendation would be a “read-host” variable to decide where to store log files to as it is hardcoded at the moment. If you have the script on github, link it here I’m doing a PR then :D


Hi @falkob - No github yet. But now you can pass the logfile name using the “-Logfile” Parameter.

Great script will have to run this on my test environment and see if we can use it.  Great work.

Love it, thanks for sharing @SteveHeart :slight_smile:

Looks great @SteveHeart ! Please do get this into github, would like to build this into some automated testing.

Looks great @SteveHeart ! Please do get this into github, would like to build this into some automated testing.

@k00laidIT , @falkob - github is on its way. Stay tuned.

Nice !

Thanks for sharing

@falkob, @k00laidIT - Now on github

V1.1 with bugfixes and new functions

Forked :hearts:

Hi @SteveHeart ,

The script is working great. I just have a little problem. the Bottleneck give an error of cannot find path because it does not exist. Need help. Thank You



Hi @azja09 ,


possibly some special characters or something else within your job or org name that makes the variable “unusable”. Could you PM me your backup job name as well as the organization name?



@azja09 : Found the “bug” and I am working on a solution.


Update: Newest version 1.3 now available.
