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I am not able to add location profile with below inputs:

Profile Name : test1
Cloud Storage Provider : S3 Compatible     ####It is minio s3 bucket#####

Endpoint :

Valid access and secret keys

Region : US

Bucket : bucket102


The web console gives this error:

Please be patient. This sometimes takes a while.

Certain cloud providers are known to be slow to respond to validation requests.

After some time web UI says:

Connection Error

Request failed with status code 504 (dashboardbff-svc)

After few minutes the profile goes from status=unknown to status=failed.

Describe profile gives below error:
    {"message":"Failed to validate profile location","function":"","linenumber":59,"file":"","cause":{"message":"Could not get profile bucket","function":"","linenumber":340,"file":"","fields":"{"name":"bucket","value":"bucket200"}],"cause":{"message":"failed to get bucket bucket200: GetBucketLocation: RequestError: send request failed\ncaused by: Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection timed out"}}}

Note that the MinIO S3 endpoint and bucket are working fine and I am able to do get/put using aws cli in that bucket.

I am using kastenIO version 5.0.2 and kubernetes version 1.22.10
The servers hosting kubernetes have 2 networks one 10.237.74.x which is management network for servers and other one is which is private network which is used by Calico for interpod communication. MinIO and kasten pods are in the same kubernetes cluster.

Could you please let me know how to fix this error or how to debug this further?


@Madi.Cristil this might be better suited to the Kubernetes Korner instead of here.  Hopefully this gets a resolution.

Hi tdhandu2000,


Probably best to ask this in the K10 Support group.

Any reason why you decided to run Minio on the same cluster. I normally run the client on the host OS to emulate a remote S3? 



Hi Geoff,
     Thanks for the reply! I will ask this in the K10 support group.
Mine is a small test setup and the MinIO I am using is also K8s based. So for easy management kasten and minio are part of the same kubernetes cluster. 
The reason for posting this here is the behavior of Kasten is not consistent in my case.
If I use management network IP for S3 endpoint then I am able to add location profile.
After that if I use private network IP of S3 endpoint, then I get the error mentioned in the original post.
After that nothing works (neither management IP of S3 endpoint or private IP of S3 endpoint). Just wanted to find out if this is a known issue.


Hello TDhanu,

Did you find a solution to this problem?


