I believe there is a setting you need to use in the Helm install for it to be able to connect to a VBR server.
Let me take a quick look and I will get back to you.
I don’t see anything in the docs now https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backup/kasten_integration/overview.html?ver=120
It could be that this setting was only needed when I was using the BETA. Let’s see what the Kasten support folks say.
Hello @tauqeerahmad
Thank you for using K10 community.
Could you please check the links below for the K10 integration to VBR and make sure you have all requirements in place, would be good also to check if the ports required are open on VBR and K10, if you have any firewall in the middle would worth checking it if the connection is allowed.
K10 - VBR version:
Required permissions:
Used ports:
K10 credentials:
Hope it helps
Dear Team,
Thanks for you quick response. I have check the points you mentioned above. I have allow the ports and also disable the firewall. I Follow the exact same setup to create a token as mentioned and I also bind the service account and ClusterRole.
As per version and compatibility my VM is compatible with Veeam. I am using Veeam and Kasten 5.5.11.
I expose the Kasten service with load balancer and successfully access the dashboard with same token. I am not sure what else to look for.
Any suggestion please. ?
Dear Team,
Thanks for you quick response. I have check the points you mentioned above. I have allow the ports and also disable the firewall. I Follow the exact same setup to create a token as mentioned and I also bind the service account and ClusterRole.
As per version and compatibility my VM is compatible with Veeam. I am using Veeam and Kasten 5.5.11.
I expose the Kasten service with load balancer and successfully access the dashboard with same token. I am not sure what else to look for.
Any suggestion please. ?
By the way I did have an issue when I was trying to access this with K3S traefik ingress. Again though that was during beta Veeam 12 stage so I need to try it again. Just out of interest which load balancer are you using?
I have k8s on perm so I am using Matallb to expose an IP to access the service. BTW, my service is exposed with port 80 non-SSL and when I change port 80 i see SSL error. Now I am working on it. Just an update so we can find the core reason.
I think it requires SSL to work properly. See if that helps
That’s right, for VBR integration the K10 Dashboard / API endpoint should be exposed via HTTPS, which is the recommended option anyway.
I know of a debug setting that enables integration also over HTTP, but I doubt it’s supported in production environments - I would advice opening a support ticket for guidance.
Thanks Danilo!
That is the same for adding S3 to VBR as a repository it only accepts https (there is a debug key that you can get from support).
Dear Team,
Thanks for your help. I fix the issue as follow. I create an ingress with cert-manager secret and expose the service. Then I added the ingress IP and host into hosts file manually. I convert the secret into base64 to create a ca.cer and installed as trusted root certificate. Service worked very well through browser with domain. Finally I restarted the Veaam server and successfully manage to add the kasten k10.
Really Thanks to all who spend time to help me.
Best Regards,
If not a secret which ingress did you use nginx? Traefik?
I used ha-proxy for internal ingress.
Ah ok thanks. I have never used that in Kubernetes. I have used ha-proxy in other areas. Once as a load-balancer and ssl termination in front of a Docker Swarm Cluster with Minio.
Good Day
What parameter is still missing from this installation cmd?
$ helm install k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --verify --keyring=/root/RPM-KASTEN --set externalGateway.create=true --set auth.tokenAuth.enabled=true --set eula.accept=true --set eula.company="P" --set eula.email="238@p.com" --set route.enabled=true --set route.tls.enabled=true --set route.tls.termination=passthrough --set route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy="Allow" --set ingress.create=true \
--set ingress.name="kasten-ingress" --set ingress.class="nginx" --set ingress.tls.enabled=true --set ingress.tls.secretName="kasten-tls-secret" --set ingress.host="kasten-io.int.p.com" --set ingress.urlPath="/k10" --set ingress.annotations="{kubernetes.io/ingress.class:nginx,nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol:"HTTPS"}"
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: YAML parse error on k10/templates/ingress.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 15: did not find expected key
$ kubectl get secret -n kasten-io
k10-cluster-passphrase Opaque 1 8d
kasten-tls-secret kubernetes.io/tls 2 16m
$ kubectl delete secret kasten-tls-secret -n kasten-io
secret "kasten-tls-secret" deleted
$ helm install k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io --verify --keyring=/root/RPM-KASTEN --set externalGateway.create=true --set auth.tokenAuth.enabled=true --set eula.accept=true --set eula.company="P" --set eula.email="238@p.com" --set route.enabled=true --set route.tls.enabled=true --set route.tls.termination=passthrough --set route.tls.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy="Allow" --set ingress.create=true --set ingress.name="kasten-ingress" --set ingress.class="nginx" --set ingress.tls.enabled=true --set ingress.tls.secretName="kasten-tls-secret" --set ingress.host="kasten-io.int.p.com" --set ingress.urlPath="/k10" --set ingress.annotations="{kubernetes.io/ingress.class:nginx,nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol:"HTTPS"}"
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: YAML parse error on k10/templates/ingress.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 15: did not find expected key
Thank you.