Hi Ahmed
Our longhorn is on v1.2.4 and as per link it is v1.2 , so it should be fine.
@vsbsapbasis Please share the output of the pre-flight check.
Hi Hagag,
url -s https://docs.kasten.io/tools/k10_primer.sh | bash
Namespace option not provided, using default namespace
Checking for tools
--> Found kubectl
--> Found helm
Checking if the Kasten Helm repo is present
--> The Kasten Helm repo was found
Checking for required Helm version (>= v3.0.0)
--> No Tiller needed with Helm v3.8.2
K10Primer image
--> Using Image (gcr.io/kasten-images/k10tools:4.5.14) to run test
Checking access to the Kubernetes context kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
--> Able to access the default Kubernetes namespace
K10 Kanister tools image
--> Using Kanister tools image (ghcr.io/kanisterio/kanister-tools:0.78.0) to run test
Running K10Primer Job in cluster with command-
./k10tools primer
serviceaccount/k10-primer created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/k10-primer created
job.batch/k10primer created
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-r8znj to be ready - ContainerCreating
Pod Ready!
Kubernetes Version Check:
Valid kubernetes version (v1.23.5) - OK
RBAC Check:
Kubernetes RBAC is enabled - OK
Aggregated Layer Check:
The Kubernetes Aggregated Layer is enabled - OK
CSI Capabilities Check:
Cluster isn't CSI capable
Validating Provisioners:
Storage Classes:
Supported via K10 Generic Volume Backup. See https://docs.kasten.io/latest/install/generic.html.
Validate Generic Volume Snapshot:
Pod Created successfully - OK
GVS Backup command executed successfully - OK
Pod deleted successfully - OK
serviceaccount "k10-primer" deleted
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "k10-primer" deleted
job.batch "k10primer" deleted
curl -s https://docs.kasten.io/tools/k10_primer.sh | bash /dev/stdin -s longhorn
Namespace option not provided, using default namespace
Checking for tools
--> Found kubectl
--> Found helm
Checking if the Kasten Helm repo is present
--> The Kasten Helm repo was found
Checking for required Helm version (>= v3.0.0)
--> No Tiller needed with Helm v3.8.2
K10Primer image
--> Using Image (gcr.io/kasten-images/k10tools:4.5.14) to run test
Checking access to the Kubernetes context kubernetes-admin@kubernetes
--> Able to access the default Kubernetes namespace
K10 Kanister tools image
--> Using Kanister tools image (ghcr.io/kanisterio/kanister-tools:0.78.0) to run test
Running K10Primer Job in cluster with command-
./k10tools primer storage csi-checker -s longhorn
serviceaccount/k10-primer created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/k10-primer created
job.batch/k10primer created
Waiting for pod k10primer-mp99x to be ready - ContainerCreating
Waiting for pod k10primer-mp99x to be ready - ContainerCreating
Pod Ready!
Starting CSI Checker. Could take up to 5 minutes
CSI Snapshot Walkthrough:
Not a supported CSI driver (driver.longhorn.io) - Error
serviceaccount "k10-primer" deleted
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "k10-primer" deleted
job.batch "k10primer" deleted
Hello @vsbsapbasis
It seems CSI driver issue.
Try to check the logs for csi-attacher-0 and csi-provisioner-0, as well as containers in longhorn-csi-plugin-xxx
HI Folks,
I had this issue as well and Adam Berg posted in Rancher slack that there was an issue with Longhorn and a specific version. Let me find that and I will post here.
Someone had a similar issue it seems. Adam posted his exact instructions on how to get things working. The other problem might have been from earlier versions:
Here is what he posted in the Rancher Slack:
Prepare K3s Nodes for Longhorn ISCSI (CentOS 7)--------------------------------yum install -y iscsi-initiator-utilscat <<EOF > iscsid.temodule iscsid 1.0;require { type iscsid_t; class system module_load;}allow iscsid_t self:system module_load;EOFcheckmodule -M -m -o iscsid.mod iscsid.tesemodule_package -m iscsid.mod -o iscsid.ppsemodule -i iscsid.pprm -f iscsid.mod iscsid.te iscsid.pp
(Install Longhorn from Rancher UI)
Install snaphot CRDs------------------------------------git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter.gitkubectl kustomize external-snapshotter/client/config/crd | kubectl create -f -kubectl -n kube-system kustomize external-snapshotter/deploy/kubernetes/snapshot-controller | kubectl create -f -Enable Longhorn Snapshot Class--------------------------------------cat <<EOF>> longhorn-csi-snapshotclass.yamlapiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1kind: VolumeSnapshotClassmetadata: name: longhorn annotations: k10.kasten.io/is-snapshot-class: "true"driver: driver.longhorn.iodeletionPolicy: DeleteEOFkubectl apply -f longhorn-csi-snapshotclass.yaml --kubeconfig k3sconfigInstall local minio for longhorn--------------------------------------kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/longhorn/longhorn/master/deploy/backupstores/minio-backupstore.yamlGo to the Longhorn UI. In the top navigation bar, click Settings. In the Backup section, set Backup Target tos3://backupbucket@us-east-1/And set Backup Target Credential Secret to:minio-secretTesting CSI---------------------------------------kubestr csicheck -s longhorn -v longhornInstall Kasten K10----------------------------------------helm repo add kasten https://charts.kasten.io/helm repo updatekubectl create namespace kasten-iohelm install k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-ioPort Forwarding Kasten UI---------------------------------------kubectl --namespace kasten-io port-forward service/gateway --address 8080:8000 > /dev/null 2>&1 & Demo Application (Pacman)---------------------------------kubectl create namespace pacmanhelm repo add veducate https://saintdle.github.io/helm-charts/helm install pacman veducate/pacman -n pacman
Hi Geoff,
I have already followed those steps, still it says below,
Starting CSI Checker. Could take up to 5 minutes
CSI Snapshot Walkthrough:
Not a supported CSI driver (driver.longhorn.io) - Error
kubestr csicheck -s longhorn -v longhorn
Creating application
-> Created pod (kubestr-csi-original-podvk972) and pvc (kubestr-csi-original-pvcvq6gh)
Taking a snapshot
-> Created snapshot (kubestr-snapshot-20220527152744)
Restoring application
-> Restored pod (kubestr-csi-cloned-podxkg4c) and pvc (kubestr-csi-cloned-pvckvj7d)
Cleaning up resources
CSI checker test:
CSI application successfully snapshotted and restored. - OK
I am even able to create snapshots manually as i posted earlier.
Hi Geoff,
Just to update our kubernetes is on 1.23. Not sure if that is the problem.
Hi Geoff,
It works on 1.21 , i referred the k10 documentation again, it has support only until 1.22.
But while running 1.21 curl -s https://docs.kasten.io/tools/k10_primer.sh | bash /dev/stdin -s longhorn
i face below issue, have you come across below issue before ?
CSI Snapshot Walkthrough:
Using annotated VolumeSnapshotClass (longhorn)
Failed to fetch data from pod. Failure may be due to permissions issues. Try again with runAsUser=1000 option.: Failed to exec command in pod: command terminated with exit code 1 - Error
serviceaccount "k10-primer" deleted
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "k10-primer" deleted
job.batch "k10primer" deleted