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I am getting below warning which I need to increase the disk size of catalog and job services

Disk space for service Catalog is low at 17%

Disk space for service Jobs is low at 17%

Please advice if you share with me the command to increase the disk size of the services 



@Aly IdrissThanks for posting this question.

You have initially validate if the storageClass(one you used for K10 PVCs) supports volume expansion.

kubectl get storageclass <storageClassName> -o jsonpath={'.allowVolumeExpansion'}

The output of the above command should be `true` if your storageClass support volume expansion.

You can use the below upgrade commands to increase the size of the PVCs. I’ve used 40Gi for an example here. You can change the size as per your requirements

helm get values k10 --output yaml --namespace=kasten-io > k10_val.yaml && \
helm upgrade k10 kasten/k10 --namespace=kasten-io -f k10_val.yaml \
--set global.persistence.catalog.size=40Gi \
--set global.persistence.job.size=40Gi --version <current-k10-version>

If your storageClass supports expansion but `allowVolumeExpansion` is set to false, You can patch the storageClass and then do the helm upgrade command above.
