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  • K10 4.5.2
  • K8S 1.22.3
  • Redhat Openshift 4.9.12

K10 can make workload snapshot, but can noatpt make Application Components snapshot and Application Configuration snapshot. In conclusion, Can not make backup.


Snapshotting Application Components

-Job failed to excuted

--Failed checking jobs in group

--- Failure in snapshotting application configuration

---- Failed to list resource


Snapshotting Application Configuration

-Job failed to excuted

--Failed to list resource

--- the server could not find the requested resource


What information I should give to you? What I check to do?

Hello @Gangho ,

Thank you for testing K10!

First, has this environment worked before? If so, what changed since then?

To help diagnose, can you start by running the Pre-Flight Checks following instructions on this page and provide the output?

Also, what storage class/CSI driver (including version) are you using in this environment?

Best regards,

It works around December 2021 after fresh install. But we paused the kasten policy to these days because We have Storage problem. That days We use Redhat Openshift 4.7.12.


We use Nutanix CSI driver(2.4.1) to use storage.


We have air-gapped environment, so using primer is difficult.

Thank you for those details!

The primer page has a section on using it in air-gapped environments, did you see that?

It is the second command on the page.

The pre-requisites for that (having a local repo with the K10 container images) should already be satisfied given that you have K10 installed.

I used that command in Openshift Bastion server, but “” was not resolved.

You can download that script ( from a machine that has internet access, copy the script over to your OpenShift Bastion machine, and then run it like so:

bash | bash /dev/stdin -i

Replace “” with your local repository where you stored the k10 images during the installation process.

Make sure you are connected to your openshift cluster first (oc login ...) before running that command, as it will execute commands on your OpenShift clusters to test many functions that K10 requires to work properly.

It makes many line errors. We need more investigation of this cluster. Thank you for your help.
