We are running a Kasten K10 v5.5.0, using MinIO as S3 storage. Kasten DR Policy has been enabled.
Due to our backbone GitOps solution, Kasten has been uninstalled and then reinstalled from scratch on the same cluster. Cluster PassPhrase and DR PassPhrase are remained the same because are themselves managed through GitOps.
What we are experiencing now is a pretty annoying / strange behavior.
All applications that were backup before the reinstall have their policies that now fail, all with the same error:
message: "Failed to exec command in pod: command terminated with exit code 1"
file: kasten.io/k10/kio/kopia/repository.go:471
function: kasten.io/k10/kio/kopia.CreateKopiaRepository
linenumber: 471
message: Failed to create the backup repository
file: kasten.io/k10/kio/kopiaapiserver/api_server.go:204
function: kasten.io/k10/kio/kopiaapiserver.SetupAPIServerForCollectionExport
linenumber: 204
message: Failed to initialize Kopia API server
file: kasten.io/k10/kio/collections/kopia/connector.go:85
function: kasten.io/k10/kio/collections/kopia.(*KopiaConnector).ConnectForExport
linenumber: 85
message: Failed to prepare Kopia API server for collections export
file: kasten.io/k10/kio/exec/phases/phase/migrate.go:126
function: kasten.io/k10/kio/exec/phases/phase.(*migrateSendPhase).Run
linenumber: 126
message: Failed to export collection
message: Job failed to be executed
Instead, applications that were not backup, can now run their policies without problem.
Before and after Kasten is pointing to the same MinIO Bucket.
We have tried to use Kasten Restore to recover the situation, the restore policy went OK but the problem is still the same.
The only official documentation available is this link: https://kb.kasten.io/knowledge/exports-dont-work-after-k10-reinstall, it represents exactly our situation but the solution proposed is of course no sense for a production system.
It’s several months that we are struggling on this without finding a way to overcome it, unfortunately the GitOps framework does force uninstall + install when a new version of the linked GitRepo is tagged and this seems to be not so much “friendly” with Kasten.