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I am trying to add my ONTAP S3 bucket and I am getting error  


I am not able to add location profile with below inputs:

Profile Name : test1
Cloud Storage Provider : S3 Compatible ONTAP S3

Endpoint :  (same result with the domain name)

Valid access and secret keys

Region : Not applicable

Bucket : toolpod


I know the bucket works because other applications are using it without any issues


26{"File":"","Function":"","Line":145,"cluster_name":"6af318d6-027e-4eb9-baaa-306ed88aa89e","error":{"message":"Failed to create profile","function":"","linenumber":29,"file":"","fields":i{"name":"namespace","value":"kasten-io"},{"name":"name","value":"backup2sec"}],"cause":{"message":"{\"message\":\"Failed to validate profile location\",\"function\":\"\",\"linenumber\":59,\"file\":\"\",\"cause\":{\"message\":\"Could not get profile bucket\",\"function\":\"\",\"linenumber\":340,\"file\":\"\",\"fields\":e{\"name\":\"bucket\",\"value\":\"toolpod\"}],\"cause\":{\"message\":\"failed to get bucket toolpod…


Can anyone help?

“failed to get bucket toolpod…”, can you validate that’s the name of the bucket?

Hi MicoolPaul, yes the bucket name is correct, like i said other application use it, so it is fine

There’s a checklist of things we should validate here:

  1. Your bucket is case-sensitive matching what you’ve input into Kasten
  2. This bucket is to be accessible via HTTPS and not HTTP
  3. The access key & secret have suitable API Permissions on this bucket
  4. Then I’d validate that the bucket is attached to the SVM IP you’ve specified

I’d also strongly suggest using a dedicated bucket just for Kasten, buckets have their own limits before performance is impacted etc so I’d be conscious of the impact that bucket could have to neighbouring data, plus it’s general good practice to silo backup & production data.

Best next step will be a screenshot of the config both in NetApp and Kasten so we can compare.

Hi, to answer your questions

  1. I have made sure that the bucket name is exactly the same, and it is not case sensitive
  2. It can be accessed both via HTTP and HTTPS 
  3. The access key and secret have the right permission (already work with other application)
  4. The SVM IP also is correct, with the domain name it still fail

I can use a dedicate bucket no problem, but I wanted to test this first to make sure it works before going forward. I will share the config screenshot of the bucket next.

Thanks @Efe.O, please share the config screenshots and then we can validate :)

Hi @MicoolPaul Unfortunately i am not able to send screenshoot, but here is an error message we got 



      to get bucket toolpod: GetBucketLocation: NotImplemented: A header you

      provided implies functionality that is not implemented.\n\tstatus code:

      501, request id: , host id: "}}}'

Is there a way to solve this, because the Storage does not have this GetBucketLocation

Just check again, please ignore… This is an issue with the version of ONTAP. thanks for your help
