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Hi guys,

is it possible to force an individual tenant to use only a specific proxy and other tenants to exclude that proxy?

The scenario is:

- n tenants with replica resources enabled to a shared IAAS environment
- 1 tenant with replica resourced enabled to a private IAAS environment

We are currently using the same proxies for all tenants, but we would like to try to implement one or more proxies in private IAAS in order to take advantage of the hot add transport mode.

I also asked the question in the R&D forum, let's see who can help me first... :)


Marco S.

As far as I know you cannot do Proxy affinity unless there is some sort of registry key but I doubt it.  I know WAN accelerators you can but that doesn't help.

Hi Chris, thank you for your’s very strange, because it is not so uncommon having a tenant with a dedicated DR infratsrtucture..

Hi Chris, thank you for your’s very strange, because it is not so uncommon having a tenant with a dedicated DR infratsrtucture..

Absolutely agree. I think this would be an enhancement and I definitely would like to see more control as well myself.  Also policies for tenants to set retention, etc.
