Thank you!
Such an honour to be a part of this awesome community. Congratulations to everyone who got renewed and to everyone joining, Welcome! Looking forward to working with you all!
In my excitement I forgot to tag in everyone @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya @NikolaPejkova
Thank you :)
Woohoo! What a week!
Thank you @Madi.Cristil, @safiya, @Rick Vanover, & @NikolaPejkova 🥳
Welcome to all the new Veeam Legends and great to see so many returning 
Thank you @Rick Vanover @Madi.Cristil @safiya and @NikolaPejkova for this opportunity! You guys are amazing! What a privilege!
What a surprise!
Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil, @safiya, @Rick Vanover, @NikolaPejkova
I’m so exited to belong to the Legends for the first time!! 

Also Congrats to all the new and renewed Legends!!
Thank you @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya and @NikolaPejkova
I am honored to be invited to the Legends group
Thank you@Madi.Cristil,@safiya,@Rick Vanover, &@NikolaPejkova for the renewal. I am glad to be part of this program again.
Welcome to all new members and hello again to all “old” members. And I hope to see all on community hub who did not make it back in the program.
Congrats guys!!
I hope someday to be part of this elite group of Veeam lovers!! 
Congrats guys!!
I hope someday to be part of this elite group of Veeam lovers!! 
We are going to be happy to have you join the program 
Congrats to everyone … very well deserved
Wow, unexpected …but most welcome
thank you for the opportunity @Madi.Cristil,@safiya,@Rick Vanover, @NikolaPejkova
Congrats, everyone! Great to see such an awesome group of talented folks awarded for their efforts.
What a surprise this morning in my mailbox, one day after my birthday
I very honored to integrate the #VeeamLegend family.
Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil, @safiya, @Rick Vanover, @NikolaPejkova
Congrats to everyone!
Wow, unexpected …but most welcome
thank you for the opportunity @Madi.Cristil,@safiya,@Rick Vanover, @NikolaPejkova
Lovely to have you! 
What a surprise this morning in my mailbox, one day after my birthday
I very honored to integrate the #VeeamLegend family.
Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil, @safiya, @Rick Vanover, @NikolaPejkova
Congrats to everyone!
Good job, @Stabz !
And happy birthday!
Thank you @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya and @NikolaPejkova
I am honored to be invited to the Legends group
Great to have you , @mkevenaar !
What a surprise!
Thank you so much @Madi.Cristil, @safiya, @Rick Vanover, @NikolaPejkova
I’m so exited to belong to the Legends for the first time!! 

Also Congrats to all the new and renewed Legends!!
Awesome to have you, @HunterLAFR !
Can this week get any better?
Thanks for renewing my Legends status again!@Madi.Cristil@NikolaPejkova@Rick Vanover@safiya And congratulations to all new and renewed Legends!
Wow what an honor again to be accepted. Looking forward to a great 2023 and more things to come. Thank you to @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @NikolaPejkova and @safiya for all the hard work with the community. Congrats everyone that made it for this class. 
Welcome to the Legends to all the new folks, and thank you @Rick Vanover @Madi.Cristil @NikolaPejkova and @safiya for choosing to renew me. So happy to be a part of the great Veeam100 & Legends community!
Congrats to everyone new and renewed for the first class of 2023.
Is it possible that Hin Tang has two accounts and that you have linked the inactive account @hinmeister416 in this post?
@HangTen416 seems to be the active account...
WOW!!! This was a pleasant surprise. I'm honoured to be joining this group of outstanding Veeam experts. Thanks for this privilege! @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya @NikolaPejkova
WOW!!! This was a pleasant surprise. I'm honoured to be joining this group of outstanding Veeam experts. Thanks for this privilege! @Madi.Cristil @Rick Vanover @safiya @NikolaPejkova
You are very welcome, Hin! 
Is it possible that Hin Tang has two accounts and that you have linked the inactive account @hinmeister416 in this post?
@HangTen416seems to be the active account...
Great catch, @JMeixner ! Thank you for that! 
Awesome news to wake up to. Congrats to the others too!