Veeam Community Recap #167

Special Department Overload and VeeamON Prep | Ep. 167

Special Department Overload and VeeamON Prep | Ep. 167
Userlevel 7
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This week @Madi.Cristil is back! We have a lot to cover however! We’ll cover a lot of special department news as well as some excellent user group activity and previews for VeeamON. Watch this week’s episode here:


The Links

via @pureben 

via @allynz 

via @Geoff Burke 

Special Department News: Critical Product Update

I want to draw everyone’s attention to KB4510 for Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager. The KB includes a critical patch to Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager as well as new Veeam Backup & replication capabilities:

KB4510: Release Information for Veeam Backup & Replication 12.1 and Updates

Featured Special Department News

via @Chan Ekanayake @chas @jb16wer and @kenlu 

via @HunterLAFR and @Gustavo Dutschmann en Español! 🇪🇸

via @Eric Machabert @BertrandFR En français 🇫🇷


via @HangTen416 and @mhmdadl 

Who’s New

We are happy to welcome +246 new users to the Veeam Community! Thank you for preparing this @safiya! The coolest usernames this week are @GoldenTree@GreySlater@cloudguy and @StorageAddict. Alfred’s pick is @uneasylistener, you have a badge coming your way. Welcome everyone to the Veeam Community. Have a great weekend everyone!



Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Welcome back @Madi.Cristil ! And, I now know who to ask about any geography question I have 😂

So much content covered this wk...congrats to all the mentions; and of course welcome new Community members. Have a great weekend all.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Great recap with a lot of content! Congratulations to all mentioned members! Welcome back, @Madi.Cristil ! 😁 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Welcome back to the recap @Madi.Cristil 

Lots of great content as usual and so much stuff coming up.  Excited definitely about VeeamON and looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Welcome all new members to the community. 👍

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Thank you guys! It is good to be back :) 

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Welcome back @Madi.Cristil! Great recap, lot of important information! Welcome to all new members!👏
