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Sticky Veeam Community Recap #183

Securing Apps, Upgrades and Immutability | Ep. 183

  • 12 September 2024
Securing Apps, Upgrades and Immutability | Ep. 183

The Return of the Recap! Sorry we didn’t have a video last week, but we are back in business this week. I’m happy to record with @Madi.Cristil with a solid list of content to share, special department news and Who’s New! You can watch this week’s episode here:


Featured Content

via @Iams3le 

via @Chris.Childerhose 

via @k00laidIT 

Vanguard Blog Spotlight


via @falkob Sizing and Architecting for Object Storage with Veeam - Part 1 -

Special Department News

The Veeam Backup & Replication suspicious file list has been updated to rev. 81, please see KB4514 for updates: KB4514: How to Manually Update Suspicious File List (

via @Albert Fu  and @mars.zhang 

Replay of the recent Veeam 100 Show via @AdamMazouz, @Chris.Childerhose, @mkevenaar and @Madi.Cristil 

Who’s New

We are happy to welcome +210 new members to the Veeam Community (and we recently crosse dover 22K members!). Coolest usernames this week are @dabbler, @whoamitest, @level2, @CleanWater and @R2D2. Aflred’s pick this week is @PunkPen! Have a great weekend everyone.








Another good recap. Thank you for the beautiful posts. And a lot of new users. It's good to see the community growing fast. 💪

Wow another great weekly recap and I am honored to be mentioned yet again.  Always in such great company with the people mentioned within this community.  Congrats everyone else mentioned or who had a post shown.

Welcome all new members to this great community.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Hi! Great recap @Rick Vanover and @Madi.Cristil! Congrats to all member mentioned this week! 👏🏻
