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The last update I had was in February that we were taking down the beta from the VeeamON 2023 event. The good news is that the preview of the new managed Veeam Hardened Repository is now available for community preview. It is hosted at the Veeam R&D Forums as @HannesK has an incredible milestone there, please check it out!

"PREVIEW] Managed Hardened Repository ISO by Veeam - R&D Forums

In this post from Hannes is everything you need to know and download the latest version of the VHR .ISO. Here are a few previews to get you started:


You Download the Veeam Hardened Repository ISO here:

Be sure to also download the PDF and watch the Videos!


Additional FAQ for VHR ISO


Question: Can the previous .ISO be upgraded to this one?

Answer: No. This new one is Rocky Linux-based and has a number of enhancements architecturally.


Question:  Will the VHR be able to be installed without this .ISO if I want a different Linux OS or if I don’t want the hardening?

Answer: Yes, and that is documented in the current GA product: Hardened Repository - User Guide for VMware vSphere (


Question: Can I watch a video of how to install it?
Answer: Yes, in the link Hannes has two videos walking through the process.


Question: Is this preview fully supported? 
Answer:  Not at a production level, see the PDF that Hannes has in the download area, but feedback on it should be in the Forum thread. In the PDF, Hannes states, “This community preview is provided to gather direct customer feedback, but it comes without any support. We plan to release a “beta 1” later that will have “experimental support” and update capabilities. All communication / feedback is handled via the R&D forums and not via Veeam Tech Support.”



Before I go to deep & wide @regnor - BIOS/UEFI mode option on the physical server… is it set?

@Rick Vanover UEFI Mode. It's the same server which I've used for the other tests.

@Rick VanoverUEFI Mode. It's the same server which I've used for the other tests.

There was an updated .ISO - so the one previously worked. I may put you in touch with the QA person cuz ‘German...

Hi there @Rick Vanover,

in our scenario, there is no way to boot the VM from the updated Veeam .ISO. Basically, after choosing the EFI VMware Virtual SATA CDROM Drive, the VM attempts to boot but then returns to the boot selection prompt:

As soon as we switch to the vanilla Ubuntu ISO, the VM boots successfully:


Please let me know if you need any additional information from our side.

Thanks !


@Rick VanoverUEFI Mode. It's the same server which I've used for the other tests.

There was an updated .ISO - so the one previously worked. I may put you in touch with the QA person cuz ‘German...

@Rick Vanover I can switch to US layout if you prefer 😅

I installed it a few minutes ago in VMware and it just worked. So it’s not completely broken I guess :-)

@mrizzi2 did you check the md5 / sha265 sum? If it does not even boot, that’s odd

@regnor :  if you can send me the logs via email, that would be great. Just to be sure… the server still has internet access? Not that some firewall rules changed.

I guess, the easiest way is to boot with another LIVE ISO and then the following logs would be interesting (or just everything in /var/log)

  • /var/log/veeam/hardened_repository_installer.log
  • /var/log/syslog
  • /var/log/cloud-init.log

@mrizzi2 did you check the md5 / sha265 sum? If it does not even boot, that’s odd

That’s strange indeed as the sha265 sum is matching:

UEFI secure boot option is enabled on the test VMs I am using:

@HannesK Would it be possible for you to kindly share a VeeamZIP of the VM you are using in order for me to restore it in our lab environment ? Thanks !

First of all an great job on providing this ISO and information. 
When installing the iso on a VM (for test) I got the following error:


My vm  is running on vmware (vsphere 7 ), UFI and secure boot enabled.
disk1 = 100GB disk 2=150 GB 1 NIC
thanks in advance

@HannesK Thanks for the hint with the internet access. Is this necessary for the installation to succeed? Indeed the physical server doesn’t have internet access at the moment. So I tried setting it up in a virtual machine, which can access the internet and it also failed. I’m sending you the logs in the next time.

Update: Forgot to check the boot mode for the new VM; it was BIOS. Switched to EFI and now was able to install it. So the problem may be related only to the missing internet connection of my physical server.

I’m sorry to post 3 times in a row, but just wanted to say everything’s working for me with the new ISO. Seems like it was the missing internet connection which let the installer fail; didn’t see this as a hard requirement.

Internet connection (HTTP to the Ubuntu update servers for automatic security updates)


First of all an great job on providing this ISO and information. 
When installing the iso on a VM (for test) I got the following error:


My vm  is running on vmware (vsphere 7 ), UFI and secure boot enabled.
disk1 = 100GB disk 2=150 GB 1 NIC
thanks in advance

No idea so far on this one. it’s not the classic “no internet connection” problem. 

the error about dependency issues is clear, but no idea where it comes from

First of all an great job on providing this ISO and information. 
When installing the iso on a VM (for test) I got the following error:


My vm  is running on vmware (vsphere 7 ), UFI and secure boot enabled.
disk1 = 100GB disk 2=150 GB 1 NIC
thanks in advance

No idea so far on this one. it’s not the classic “no internet connection” problem. 

the error about dependency issues is clear, but no idea where it comes from

Got the same error with my test vm, but in my case it was the classic “no internet connection” problem. First try was in a VLAN without internet, cause the backup server hardware i want to use, will be also without internet connection and i got the error above.
Then i tried a VLAN with internet connection and oberserved the installation progress. Setup seems to download the packages. Installation worked fine.
No idea how to investigate that, since i’m one of thoses windows guys … but internet seems necassery.

thanks for confirming that the problem can be solved with internet connection. I got a different error.

yes, internet is a hard requirement. otherwise the system would not get security updates. that’s why the wizard for the HTTP proxy exists

as we got so much feedback now about “no internet connection” problems: we are working to include all required packages directly into the ISO.

That creates a new problem with missing security updates. I guess, it’s something to ignore from our side, because it’s obvious that one cannot have updates without internet (assuming that nobody who uses the ISO would run it’s own Ubuntu mirror)

Just deployed a VHR using the ISO on VMware vSphere 8 in my homelab.  Worked like a charm and then added it to VBR with single use credentials.  So far it is working so might spin up a few more and then create a SOBR from them.  😎

Yes, every time I had an error it was as the requirements were not met :)

Thanks all for the information and confirmation.
But if Internet is a hard requirement perheps there could be a check before the installation starts.

But is this really needed? Also after intstallation? We have our Repo's isolated in our network with minimal access.

If the internet requirements is mandentory for the installation, is it possible to change the Ip settings after installing the VHR?

And even with internet access is there a kind of patching in the background, or is it a one-time installation with no patching possible?

I still get an Error even when I configured a Proxy server.

And verifying the proxy is allowing connection

So it seems like during the installatation the proxy server is not used.
Any help is appreciated

Hey @rladrak → That is an interesting idea, like a pre-requisite checker. Our goal was to have the installer be as limited as possible, but this may make sense. I’ll relay this idea to the QA resource.

@Rick Vanover Do you know if/when the recording of your Miami session will be online?

thanks, we will check the proxy behavior. I’m a bit concerned about the IPv6 messages though…


Anyway: I got a a new ISO that does not require internet and I want to test it next week before Rick can update the download link


I’ve just deployed a test repo, and now I’m starting to play with it. Once rebooted, I’ve realized that it’s impossible to run sudo to change disk layout, for example I wan to modify a LVM instance, or extend a filesystem and I can’t see how to do this…..

Any idea?


correct… people who are able to do such things don’t need the ISO :-)

They can just use the hardening script

If you need root login, there is a blog post for that:

Best regards


I’ve just deployed a test repo, and now I’m starting to play with it. Once rebooted, I’ve realized that it’s impossible to run sudo to change disk layout, for example I wan to modify a LVM instance, or extend a filesystem and I can’t see how to do this…..

Any idea?


I believe you need to log in as root or enable the login again after the deployment since the hardening of the server removes this.  Once you have the system running why would you want to change it though?  The OS drive is set up with the ISO and the larger drive becomes the backup.  Just curious on the use case to make changes.

I believe the other way to make changes is during the deployment of the ISO as you can manually set up the disk layout.

***UPDATE - Hannes beat me to it LOL ***


I’ve just deployed a test repo, and now I’m starting to play with it. Once rebooted, I’ve realized that it’s impossible to run sudo to change disk layout, for example I wan to modify a LVM instance, or extend a filesystem and I can’t see how to do this…..

Any idea?


I believe you need to log in as root or enable the login again after the deployment since the hardening of the server removes this.  Once you have the system running why would you want to change it though?  The OS drive is set up with the ISO and the larger drive becomes the backup.  Just curious on the use case to make changes.

I believe the other way to make changes is during the deployment of the ISO as you can manually set up the disk layout.

***UPDATE - Hannes beat me to it LOL ***

What if your backup drive needs to be extended?…..sometimes data grows, or even grows a lot….. We run our production backup in a physical self deployed repo server with hardening tips from Gostev, and others, and I’ve had to extend the repo filesystem because of this… I was just wondering if this ISO was a better option for us
