Meet Golang Gopher.. Traefik's little helper. Tunnelling ingress and ingressroutes through Kubernetes

Userlevel 7
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Hi Folks,


I had the fortune to be given the role of Ambassador for Traefik and yesterday they sendt me the Ambassador logo. Golang Gopher with his earplugs on no less !! 

Golang Gopher Ambassador

I will admit I have never been super strong in networking and the Calico and Traefik Ambassadorships are forcing me to dive into areas that I find difficult and sometimes struggle with. The fun thing is that I am slowly but surely improving. We can’t be natural experts in everything and there will be areas that we find more challenging. The trick is not to avoid but to attack! I will never be the “Cisco Kid” that is for sure but by moving forward baby step by baby step I will eventually gain a level of competence that I never before thought was possible. The secret is very simple, which like most things in life makes it very difficult, discipline and repetition.

So what is Traefik anyways?


On the website Traefik claims to make networking boring! Maybe because Golang Gopher is doing most of work? 

Golang Gopher Working hard

Traefik is not exclusively for Kubernetes as they offer Traefik Enterprise (an All in one ingress controller, API gateway and service mesh), and Traefik Hub, a complete Cloud Native Networking Platform (as stated on their website: Traefik Hub is a cloud native networking platform that easily publishes and secures containers at the edge instantly. Traefik Hub provides a secured gateway to your services running on Kubernetes or other orchestrators.)


For my needs at this point in time I am starting simple and concentrating mainly on Traefic reverse proxy. This is the default ingress controller that comes with K3s and is ideal for edge workloads.


One of Traefik’s many advantages is that is can automatically discover the correct configurations for services since it communicates directly with the Kubernetes API. It can leverage middleware allowing you to include authentication and things like TCP IPWhiteLists among other things.

Routing and load balancing are things it does exceptionally well and help reduce the complexity behind these tasks.

The list of Traefik “can do’s”  goes on and on but I will leave it there for now.

Going forward I plan a series of posts about my journey through Traefik. 

If you are interested in learning more you can sign up for free courses at the Traefik academy here:

Traefik Academy 

There is also a vibrant community forum here:

Traefik Labs Community Forum


For Blogs go here:

Traefik Blog


and finally if you just want to sit back and read there is the documentation and Resource Library as well:

Traefik Resource Library


Traefik Documentation



Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Congrats Geoff on the new achievement. 😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Congrats Geoff
