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Hello Everyone,

So I have to admit it. I am guilty, convicted of being a text file maniac! 

I was one of the people who would feverishly create tons of text files notes on my desktop.

Solve an issue! “oh yes I need to write this down.. hey I will create a text file”

Then I graduated to the documents folder, and then different folders per context: Kasten_install, PCA_exam_prep, how_I_finally_got_ingress_to_work.. and so on and so on. 

Obviously at work I would use the company CRM system but at home… there were not rules and the Universe was one of chaos and endless questions  “I knew I wrote the solution to this down somewhere????”




Wikijs is an opensource “host it yourself wiki system”. Now I would not be talking about this unless.. yes we can install it in Kubernetes!

What I liked right from the get go was the documentation interface that pretty much mirrors what wikijs looks like when you install it yourself: since, surprise surprise it is running on wikijs!


I am going to leverage helm to install so we will start by adding the repo:

helm repo add requarks

As always update the repos after adding:


helm repo update

I am also going to pull down the values files to carve the install to my particular needs:

helm show values requarks/wiki >values.yaml

I am installing this on my laptop which is using Rancher Desktop. The k3s kubernetes distribution that comes with it has the ingress Traefik installed by default so I am going to turn that on in the values.yaml file:


Take a look through the values.yaml file to see if there is anything else that you would want to change. One that sticks out is of course setting up tls but since this is just on my laptop I will skip that for now.


Next I will perform the installation:

helm create ns wiki 
helm install wikijs -n wiki requarks/wiki -f values.yaml

The install is done and everything is looking good


get all 

Let me check that ingress address and then push it to my browser:

K get ing -n wiki

I am going to fill it in with some baloney just for POC sake:


This app has style!



Cool login screen:



It gives you the choice either to go straight into your Admin page or create a home page:


What to do?


I decided to checkout the Admin page:


Admin Page


Well that is it, I have no more excuses, all relevant tid bits of valuable information will now be saved in one convenient place! Oh, and did I mention that this is leveraging persistent storage by default with the PostgreSQL database? You all know what that means!  

Before doing anything else I will setup backups in Kasten, our favourite Kubernetes backup tool!

That is a very cool utility for sure. 😎

Don’t get me wrong, I am still very much lured to the text editors… reminds me of when I quit smoking, back then I substituted cigarettes for tooth picks but got weird looks from the smokers who thought I had some issues with cleaning my teeth. 😂

that should have read “Substituted tooth picks for cigarettes..” you see the subconscious mind at work again trying to tempt you back into the vices of the past :) 

Nice tool! Maybe some day I’ll switch to something like that, but alas...I’m like you @Geoff Burke ...I’m a MAC TextEdit maniac. But, I have them neatly organized into directories at least...does that count?? 😆😂

Nice tool! Maybe some day I’ll switch to something like that, but alas...I’m like you @Geoff Burke ...I’m a MAC TextEdit maniac. But, I have them neatly organized into directories at least...does that count?? 😆😂

As one great Veeam person said “It all counts as long as you back it up” 🙂 which alas I have at times due to extreme laziness have not.. and paid dearly. 


By the way to be completely honest all of this is in my new home lab project… the question is will I or won’t I walk the walk so to speak. 

I will give it a try or to a compromise.. text file but then calendar reminder to “pretty it up” and put in the wiki!!! 

I have all my data in 4 locales..local on my device, 2 locations on another device, and another on USB. So I’m covered there 😉

I’ll admit it too, I used to be a ‘write everything into Notepad and save on Desktop’ kinda guy. The desktop got extremely cluttered and drastic action needed to be taken. I created a folder called ‘Notepad’ and moved all the notes in there and then couldn’t find what I was looking for due to being terrible at naming the saved files.

In the end, I ended up using OneNote. 

As Kubernetes is something I want to learn more about, this will give me a chance to have a play. Thanks @Geoff Burke 😃

I have all my data in 4 locales..local on my device, 2 locations on another device, and another on USB. So I’m covered there 😉

The 4 2 1 rule! I myself use a veeam agent back to a usb drive but also some rsync stuff, simply because I am ancient :) 

Onedrive & USB FTW! 😂

With Notepad++ and now Notepad in Win11 they have the snapshot feature, so I have many tabs open (most not saved) and then it reopens them again the next day.  Bad practice I know.  😂

With Notepad++ and now Notepad in Win11 they have the snapshot feature, so I have many tabs open (most not saved) and then it reopens them again the next day.  Bad practice I know.  😂

I noticed that, it is very convenient but you are right that might be concern, especially if temporarily writing down passwords from the password store 🤣. I imagine that feature can be turned off. This actually brings up a great topic, Security so tight that people break the rules to be able to work :) 

With Notepad++ and now Notepad in Win11 they have the snapshot feature, so I have many tabs open (most not saved) and then it reopens them again the next day.  Bad practice I know.  😂

I noticed that, it is very convenient but you are right that might be concern, especially if temporarily writing down passwords from the password store 🤣. I imagine that feature can be turned off. This actually brings up a great topic, Security so tight that people break the rules to be able to work :) 

Yeah, I do put passwords there but once done delete them.  It is mainly just notes on projects, work, etc. and URL links to interesting things I find so I can go back later.  If something is definitely required, I use ToDoist for all my tasks.
