
k10primer pod stuck in pending phase without showing CSI details

  • 21 February 2024

Userlevel 3

 curl -s | bash /dev/stdin -i

Namespace option not provided, using default namespace

Checking for tools

 --> Found kubectl

 --> Found helm

 --> Found jq

 --> Found cat

 --> Found base64

 --> Found tr

Checking if the Kasten Helm repo is present

 --> The Kasten Helm repo was found

Checking for required Helm version (>= v3.10.0)

 --> No Tiller needed with Helm v3.14.0

K10Primer image

 --> Using Image ( to run test

Checking access to the Kubernetes context arn:aws:eks:me-south-1:ffffff:cluster/cluster01

 --> Able to access the default Kubernetes namespace

K10 Kanister tools image

 --> Using Kanister tools image ( to run test


Running K10Primer Job in cluster with command

     ./k10tools primer

serviceaccount/k10-primer created created

job.batch/k10primer created

Pod k10primer-wwbg2 is in Pending phase

Pod k10primer-wwbg2 is in Pending phase

Pod k10primer-wwbg2 is in Pending phase

Pod k10primer-wwbg2 is in Pending phase


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

What is the status of the pod within the cluster? It looks to be an EKS cluster? What nodes are being used? 

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

@Ali Kanso 

While the primer is running, can you describe the k10primer-x pods , PVCs in namespace . + Can you get events information from it ?

Possible reason could be its unable to schedule to nodes either nodes has taints or withing on PVCs to be provisioned where its unable to . Events and Describe outputs will tell us where its stuck .



Userlevel 3

thank you dears @michaelcade and @Satish,
the issue was we are not able to pull from the registry and we resolved it. 👍🏻

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Great stuff. Enjoy and let us know if you have any more questions and feedback 
