Vote for Veeam System Requirements for v12!

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Just a quick one that I saw on @Gostev’s “The Word from Gostev” that there are big plans to review the platforms and products supported by Veeam. This is a full overview from Hypervisors to application aware processing and physical agent support so please make sure to air your opinion here as it impacts all of us:


Userlevel 7
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v11 is a thing of the past, lets talk about v12!


Userlevel 7
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Interesting on the vCloud versions dropping 9.x and 10.0 only leaving 10.1+.  We have just moved our datacenters to 9.7 recently so for MSPs this could be an issue. We will have to wait and see.

We do plan to get to 10.2 this year but still.

@Geoff Burke

Yeah, this means busy as a bee will be the logo for the next little while :)

As they say, if you don’t schedule the maintenance your system will do it for you!

Yes reminds me of one customer I dealt with way back in the day running windows 2008 R2 servers, when I asked them to reboot one server that was having VSS woes the answer was “we are a 24/7 shop, no downtime!!, We can’t be offline period”. Well a few Months later…. they were offline for quite a bit. I did try to explain to them that by not rebooting ever none of their windows updates were being applied so….. 

Userlevel 7
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Interesting on the vCloud versions dropping 9.x and 10.0 only leaving 10.1+.  We have just moved our datacenters to 9.7 recently so for MSPs this could be an issue. We will have to wait and see.

We do plan to get to 10.2 this year but still.

@Geoff Burke 

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

no news for kvm or kubevirt supports, it’s sad !

Userlevel 7
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Veeam 12 can integrate Kasten to support backup and restore Kubernetes? 

This is possible, we will see when the new functions are announced...

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

v11 is a thing of the past, lets talk about v12!


There is nothing older than the news from today :joy::joy::joy:

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

v11 is a thing of the past, lets talk about v12!


Will we see a v13 or v14 instead? Or is Veeam switching to years for versioning? … pleas not!

so that's it for the bad jokes

Userlevel 7
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Definitely worth highlighting this @Chris.Childerhose as they’ve already been really responsive of feedback so far.

Userlevel 7
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Interesting on the vCloud versions dropping 9.x and 10.0 only leaving 10.1+.  We have just moved our datacenters to 9.7 recently so for MSPs this could be an issue. We will have to wait and see.

We do plan to get to 10.2 this year but still.

@Geoff Burke

Yeah, this means busy as a bee will be the logo for the next little while :)

Userlevel 4
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I think is a ruge, very ruge dropping. After pandemic and opting to drop systems with manufacturer support or very popular version is not good for business, I think. Slow and step by step (year after year). Is not better droping support of not used products (using telemetry or anything like this)?

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I think is a ruge, very ruge dropping. After pandemic and opting to drop systems with manufacturer support or very popular version is not good for business, I think. Slow and step by step (year after year). Is not better droping support of not used products (using telemetry or anything like this)?

I won’t try to keep this thread up to date as Gostev is already updating his thread in step, but so far:


vSphere 6.0 will now be the minimum instead of 6.5

They’re reviewing keeping Windows 7 and 8.1 support anyway so that’s great. With regards to Windows 10, you’re either on the still supported LTS branch or if you’re on a normal feature release cycle, they’re free and easy to patch up to.


Someone made the great argument of Windows 7 being covered under the ESU which has prompted that review. The other thing I’d like to highlight is historically Veeam have supported using the previous Veeam Agent for x with the latest Veeam Backup & Replication. So if Veeam did decide to drop Windows 7 support, as long as Veeam don’t break the -1 release support for Veeam Agent with Veeam B&R, you’d still get another year’s support out of this anyway.


Still, it’s great to see them being responsive about this.

Userlevel 7
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Whether it would be possible to get support for this?


Userlevel 7
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Whether it would be possible to get support for this?


Maybe Windows 3.1 whilst we’re at it?

Event better (saw on twitter yesterday)


Userlevel 7
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no news for kvm or kubevirt supports, it’s sad !

well they’ve only said what they’re reducing support to on existing product sets, so I imagine instead we’d see an announcement of KVM/kubevirt with x minimum from day one once it’s folded into the main v12 branch. (assuming they did implement support for that!)

Userlevel 7
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This article is about dropping support for some OSes and Application. Not about addind new functions…

I think, we will see many new functions ans support for additional OSes and Applications in V12…


Ok, Michael was faster to respond :sunglasses:

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

Veeam 12 can integrate Kasten to support backup and restore Kubernetes? 

Userlevel 7
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Veeam 12 can integrate Kasten to support backup and restore Kubernetes? 

This is possible, we will see when the new functions are announced...

thanks for your quick response:wink:

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

v11 is a thing of the past, lets talk about v12!


Will we see a v13 or v14 instead? Or is Veeam switching to years for versioning? … pleas not!

so that's it for the bad jokes

We’re gonna need new memes!


On topic: 20% disagreement with the features atm, it’d be interesting to hear what individual points people agree/disagree with, so far Windows 7 if the clear next Windows XP as nobody wants to drop support for this.

Userlevel 7
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Yeah I plan to post feedback on this especially.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Interesting on the vCloud versions dropping 9.x and 10.0 only leaving 10.1+.  We have just moved our datacenters to 9.7 recently so for MSPs this could be an issue. We will have to wait and see.

We do plan to get to 10.2 this year but still.

@Geoff Burke

Yeah, this means busy as a bee will be the logo for the next little while :)

As they say, if you don’t schedule the maintenance your system will do it for you!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

The only thing which I don't like is dropping support for older Windows 10 releases. I can't keep up with what release/build is supported and from the outside every build looks almost the same. I'm glad that I don't have do manage client systems…

For everything else I don't see a problem. If you have a software which drops out of support then just don't upgrade to the next major release of Veeam. Although you won't receive any patches for that version, Veeam will still support you for some time.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I think is a ruge, very ruge dropping. After pandemic and opting to drop systems with manufacturer support or very popular version is not good for business, I think. Slow and step by step (year after year). Is not better droping support of not used products (using telemetry or anything like this)?

I won’t try to keep this thread up to date as Gostev is already updating his thread in step, but so far:


vSphere 6.0 will now be the minimum instead of 6.5

They’re reviewing keeping Windows 7 and 8.1 support anyway so that’s great. With regards to Windows 10, you’re either on the still supported LTS branch or if you’re on a normal feature release cycle, they’re free and easy to patch up to.


Someone made the great argument of Windows 7 being covered under the ESU which has prompted that review. The other thing I’d like to highlight is historically Veeam have supported using the previous Veeam Agent for x with the latest Veeam Backup & Replication. So if Veeam did decide to drop Windows 7 support, as long as Veeam don’t break the -1 release support for Veeam Agent with Veeam B&R, you’d still get another year’s support out of this anyway.


Still, it’s great to see them being responsive about this.


Thanks for the answer!  Is very good see the company is listening the consumers and partners. 


About vmware v6 is very popular until now. 

Windows 7 is good to know is not going away. 

Now about the used systems, did you have data about using systems on VBR? Like telemetry or support logs colected using big data.

I’m not from Veeam myself so can’t specifically comment on that but I believe Veeam have this information as the theory of dropping Windows 8.1 support was based on the extremely low utilisation of the platform, but I don’t know any specifics!

Userlevel 7
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Actually OS/2 Warp 4 was pretty hard core. I worked a bit on it in the 90’s and pretty rock solid. Novel Netware’s directory Service I liked quite a bit too for its time. Way ahead of MS AD which came later. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Actually OS/2 Warp 4 was pretty hard core. I worked a bit on it in the 90’s and pretty rock solid. Novel Netware’s directory Service I liked quite a bit too for its time. Way ahead of MS AD which came later. 

Well, Novel was ahead of its time. … or MS was behind the times :joy:

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

I cannot disagree with that comment @regnor 😁

Well now that’s unfair. It was great the one time it installed, without issue, without an automatic reboot and without breaking anything! Or that might’ve been MacOS X 🤷 I remember there being a 10… now I think about it, it was a Mac, ignore me! 😉
