Veeam file copy jobs.

Userlevel 7
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Do you guys use these? If you do give an example of how they help you in your day to day activities.


For myself, I have been a RoboCopy guy for years. I often schedule a task and let it run with no issues. It’s great for seeding directory's for file server migrations, or just making sure you have a mirrored folder somewhere else on the network.


Recently I had an odd request to sync a folder from one location to another, but there were strict firewall rules for security an access rules. RoboCopy was not an option. As Veeam had access to both servers, I was able to create a copy job on a schedule and solve this issue. 


As we have very strict user permissions in many areas, this feature is a game changer for us. Even if it’s to copy files to another location for safe keeping. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

I use this functionality to copy my config backup folders to other DC locations. Its a really useful feature.

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Very useful, but if I remember correctly it is a full copy do continuous sync of two folders you still have to use robocopy or other tools

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

thanks for the sharing,
sometimes we overcomplicated the solutions, replicating VMs, creating repos, crazy firewall and routing rules, and we totally overlook this type of great solutions!

I have used it some time ago for a special request from HHRR, 
they needed a folder to be copied and secured, but not the entire FS, so It was the perfect candidate to copy that data, and keep it safe in another location.


Userlevel 7
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I have used File Copy jobs for vCenter backups on my NAS to other locations.  Works great. 😎

Userlevel 7
Badge +17

Great use case Scott. I've never used this feature personally. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

No...I actually forgot it existed.  When I read this, I was thinking VM Copy Jobs, but googled quick and confirmed there’s the file copy job stuff….  This might be good for my configuration database file to copy from one site to another.  I was going to say that I have DFS doing that work by replicating the data, but you triggered me to realize that our file server at the secondary site failed and is no longer in use, so we don’t actually have a copy of our configuration database offsite anymore….crap!

