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Snapshot worksor not

Hello Team,

I have a question about snsapshots for ESXi and Proxmox.  I have taken some snapshots for some virtual machines.  The veeam backup can restore these snapshots?  As long as I remember, I got error with snapshots during restoring.  I deleted all of snapshots for ESXi virtual machines.

Please let me know if I should not be included snapshots during taiking backup.



Hi @bravo444 -

Veeam does not back up the snapshots individually. Veeam only backups up the current state of VMs.

Like any VMs...snapshots should only be used for momentary change testing then removed. I do recommend you remove the snapshots if they aren't needed. 


The snapshots that Veeam takes are temporary and Veeam removes them once backup is done. As noted by Shane also above they are used for backing up the state of the VM.

Hello coolsport00 and Chris,

Thank you for your quick response and information!  Sure, I understood.  



No problem. Let us know if you have further questions. 
