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NFC storage connection is unavailable.
. Storage Failed to create NFC download stream

Hi @compute -

I’m just following up on your NFC Storage error post. Do you still have a problem? If not, can you share what you did to resolve your issue? Or if still not resolved, can you provide further info so we can try to assist?

Thank you.

@compute - As noted, we do need more info to assist. Can you share a screenshot of the error and what step you’re getting it on? I assume from a Backup job, but don’t wanna be too presumptuous.

As per Michael we need more details to try to help out. Also check the logs here C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup

Hi, can you provide some extra context. Is this for a particular VM, or server, or every backup job? What version of vsphere are you using? What version of Veeam are you using?
