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I’m new to the community and to Veeam.

Does anyone know of a report that will show what I listed? Or at least some of it?

  • Server
  • All dBs for the server
  • Backup time
  • Time backup took to run
  • Type of backup
  • Restore points
  • Success, fail, warning
  • Error messages
  • Enabled\disabled job

Thanks much and look forward to contributing once I get a handle on using Veeam.


RE: Veeam ONE…

“I guarantee you Veeam ONE will tell you something about your environment that you did not know but need to address.”

Rick Vanover, 2019 and beyond


Truth!  (We’re not using it either….yet).

Just found out that we do not have Veeam One. The team that purchased Veeam uses CheckMK to monitor.


@BassFisher → You can download a trial to see if it does what you are wanting. Veeam ONE can manage 2 main categories of things:
-VMware & Hyper-V

-Veeam Backup & Replication → I doubt CheckMK can play here… Do a trial to see if it does what you need then make the case :)

RE: Veeam ONE…

“I guarantee you Veeam ONE will tell you something about your environment that you did not know but need to address.”

Rick Vanover, 2019 and beyond

Just found out that we do not have Veeam One. The team that purchased Veeam uses CheckMK to monitor.


I haven’t heard of Veeam One. I’ll check out the links you sent. Thanks!!

There are also job session reports if you want to use the Veeam Console - Viewing Job and Job Session Reports - User Guide for VMware vSphere (

Are you using Veeam ONE?  If so there are a multitude of reports there for backup jobs.

This is one report but there are others listed in the help site - Job History - Veeam ONE Reporting Guide
