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How to perform a single client full backup

Hi, I have a protection group setup with multiple Windows PC’s (all running Agents managed by B&R) and I would like to perform a full backup on one of the machines (vs. all machines).  Is that possible?  I know I can select the machine and do a Quick Backup, but I think that does an incremental backup and not a full backup.  I would like to do this because I found that the existing backup is corrupt (I get a decompression error when I try to restore it).


Separately, is it possible to delete the corrupted backup from the Backup Repository?  And is it possible to scan all the backups to make sure no other ones are corrupt?


Thank you and happy 4th for those in the US!




Hi @Hammer -

You are correct. A Quick Backup is an Incremental. What you should be able to do is perform what’s called an Active Full, which is an ad hoc Full backup. It’s a little “klunky” on how to do it, but you now can do this on just 1 computer since the release of v12.

From the Home node > Jobs section, select your Agent Backup Job from the ‘Working Area’ list to then see the Job history and subsequent computers on the bottom. Rt-click the computer you want to do an ad hoc Full and select Active Full. See the Agent Mgmt Guide for more details:

Hope that helps.

Sorry..forgot to answer your other 2 questions. To verify if backup files have no corruption..yes, you need to configure the Maintenance settings from the Backup Job > Storage Section, Advanced Button. Select to perform Health Checks, which Veeam uses to check for corruption. See below:

As far as deleting the previous Full. Yes. You can do it from the Backups > Disk section. Rt-click the Agent Backup Job and go into its Properties. You can then select the computer from the list at the top, then rt-click and Delete from Disk all restore points you want. Keep in mind when you delete the Full, you should also delete all subsequent incrementals as they are now essentially worthless (i.e. non-recoverable) since the corresponding Full has been removed.

Hope that helps.

Thank you!  On the deletion of corrupted backups, it seems I can only delete all the backups of a specific machine, but not certain backups of that machine.  Say if I only want to delete the most recent backup.  Is that correct or am I missing something?

Can you not go into the Backups > Disk section and rt-click on the Agent job & go into the Properties? If so, from here you should be able to remove individual restore points.

I currently don't have an Agent job to test with. 

I can go into properties and see the backups, but no option to delete them…

Ok, so if you select the computer in the list, do you then see the backup files (.vbk, .vib) on the bottom? If you rt-click 1 of those files, is there an option to then Delete?

@Hammer - disregard...I’m now able to test this in my Console. You’re correct...there is no option to delete an individual file that way. Let me see if there’s another way. I really thought you could the way I was suggesting.

@Hammer - sorry...there is no way like I thought. The only way you could do this is to go into the Repository and delete old points manually, which is highly not recommended. About the only thing you could do for this computer’s restore points is remove them all from disk, then let Veeam create a new Full and start over….but, that could come at the cost of breaking something. As I don’t wanna steer you wrong with that process, I recommend pinging Veeam Support to see if there’s a way I’m not familiar with.


Thanks for your help.  I can just wait until the automatic pruning process kicks in.  Appreciate your help!

No problem. You could temporarily decrease the retention in the Job so it kicks in, but of course that would affect all computers in the Job.

And... If any of my comments helped you out, please select one as 'Best Answer' so others with a similar question who come across your post may benefit. 

