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Failed Unable to install backup agent: failed to connect to [computer name] Error: Access is denied.

i I am a noob trying to learn this software for now just to make some very basic backups of my C Drive on my home computer.

  • I installed the software,

  • created a new repository on a local drive

  • Started a new job : volume type

  • Under computers I clicked add and added hostname of my computer as an individual computer - using my local windows user name and password for credentials (this user is the admin on my local machine)

  • Set Up backups to a local disk on my computer

  • When it attempts to run I get "Unable to process [computername] - host rescan is required

When it tried to scan I get:

Failed Unable to install backup agent: failed to connect to [computer name] Error: Access is denied. Failed to connect to share '\\[ipredacted]\ADMIN$'.

I saw that in windows run I am able to open that '\\[ipredacted]\ADMIN$'. - and the folder pops up.

I tried disabling my firewall momentarily to see if it was a port issue.

I double checked the windows credentials I entered.

Nothing seems to work - can someone point me in the right direction of what to research?

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What format of the credentials are you using?  For a workgroup you need - hostname\username and if domain then - domain\username.

If you search the community there are many topics on this subject with different answers and information.

What format of the credentials are you using?  For a workgroup you need - hostname\username and if domain then - domain\username.

If you search the community there are many topics on this subject with different answers and information.


Thank you for the response.

I have computer name as my hostname (double checked by command line winhost) and user as hostname\user.  I even added the user through the ‘Check Name’ dialog box to ensure it’s in there correctly.  I have tried searching and will continue to but I haven’t been able to find a solution yet.  

You may need to contact support and open a ticket.  Also try searching the forums as well - HTTPS:\\


Hi @heyr8kb -

Do you have Windows UAC enabled? Try disabling that if you do.

Also, I’m also seeing a bit of discrepancy between what you’re attempting to connect to manually versus what the error says. I’m seeing “ipredacted” and “computername”. How do you have things configured?...via IP or hostname? This I believe is Veeam Windows Agent correct? And, it sounds like you have everything connected to just this 1 computer...your local computer, right? As such, be consistent and use just 1 naming convention → IP or hostname. I wonder if you have your hosts file configured with your IP address? Go to:
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts and put in a line for your local computer’s IP and map it to your computer’s hostname. See if that works for you.

Try those things and let us know.


Hi @heyr8kb -

Do you have Windows UAC enabled? Try disabling that if you do.

Also, I’m also seeing a bit of discrepancy between what you’re attempting to connect to manually versus what the error says. I’m seeing “ipredacted” and “computername”. How do you have things configured?...via IP or hostname? This I believe is Veeam Windows Agent correct? And, it sounds like you have everything connected to just this 1 computer...your local computer, right? As such, be consistent and use just 1 naming convention → IP or hostname. I wonder if you have your hosts file configured with your IP address? Go to:
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts and put in a line for your local computer’s IP and map it to your computer’s hostname. See if that works for you.

Try those things and let us know.

Hi thank you for the response.

Some more details: I am on Win11 running Veeam Backup and Replication Console

Job looks like this:

Computer Backup


Individual Computer

Under ‘Computers’ I added a computer with my Hostname i.e. MyComputerName - I actually have never typed an IP in at all in my setup.

I then added my only local account which is administrator  as user name MyComputerName\UserName


I went into my user and set UAC to ‘never notify’ - is that turning it off?


When I try and run the job it attempts to rescan and I get the error ofFailed Unable to install backup agent: failed to connect to MyComputerName Error: Access is denied. Failed to connect to share '\\myipaddress\ADMIN$'. 

If I try and copy / paste this \\myipaddress\ADMIN$ into a startmenu:run command it opens the folder successfully

One strange thing I noticed is that myipaddress listed is the one from my vethernet as opposed to my regular 10.0.x.x from my wifi (I have hyper-v enabled) - not sure if that is interfering. 

I also tried adding the computer under myipaddress and user myipaddress\username but same issue


I tried adding both of those ip addresses linked to the host file linked to computer name, but no luck unfortunately.

I ended up figuring it out from this article:


For anyone in the future it looks like Veeam doesnt play nice with local accounts even if they are administrator

You have to enable the built in administrator account and give it a password and use that for the account

I ended up figuring it out from this article:


For anyone in the future it looks like Veeam doesnt play nice with local accounts even if they are administrator

You have to enable the built in administrator account and give it a password and use that for the account

Awesome @heyr8kb 

Glad to see you found a resolution... & thank you for sharing it. 👍🏻

I ended up figuring it out from this article:


For anyone in the future it looks like Veeam doesnt play nice with local accounts even if they are administrator

You have to enable the built in administrator account and give it a password and use that for the account

Nice to see you were able to figure it out and share the solution.  👍
