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I have customer with two veeam servers and we want to de-mote one to just be a proxy. 

As we transition, could the 2nd veeam server also be a proxy for the main veeam server while we test all backups from the main server. Once all looks good then we can uninstall B&R and just run that host purely as a proxy.


Hi @MavMikeVBR - cannot have a server with a Veeam role in one VBR environment be used in another VBR environment. 

To answer your primary question as Shane stated with the VBR role installed you are not able to use it as a Proxy server.  You need to remove VBR then add it to the other VBR server as a Proxy to use it in this fashion.  The reason is that the server you want to use as a Proxy for the other VBR server is controlling itself and has ownership as they say.

You won’t be able to even install the proxy in the new Backup Server because the original server already has the service.
Like Shane said, it’s not possible to do that.

Actually @MavMikeVBR ..scratch can as per PM shared on the Forums.

As it's a VBR server though, I'd be careful in doing this. 

Well then I stand corrected.  😂

I know, right? 😉 Thought it would error out; but is generally not supported though. 

thanks guys I thought as much….

Actually @MavMikeVBR ..scratch can as per PM shared on the Forums., but not generally supported. 

As it's a VBR server though, I'd be careful in doing this. 

Not a problem.  Be sure to mark best answer to your question so others see it.

thanks guys I thought as much….

Glad to help. 
