Inline Entropy Malware Scan Update!

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

And a good day to you, Community!

If you read my post on Inline Entropy Scans, then you’re aware of a couple Forum posts I shared at the end of it from which I read through to get some updates on Veeam’s Malware Detection. If you want to check out my post, you can click on it below:

One of the Forum posts I shared, in particular, was very beneficial as it was packed with many great ideas for feature requests, and ones which the Veeam PMs seem to agree would be beneficial feature-adds, as well as what others’ experiences have been like using Veeam Malware Detection. The specific Forum post can be found here.

Also, PMs..specifically Dimitry Popov, as well as CPO Anton Gostev, have regularly shared their thoughts on all the comments. In my post, I recommended to follow this post to potentially get any relevant updates which may be on the horizon. I wanted to share with you all there seems to have been a breakthrough, specifically for the Inline Entropy Scans! WOOHOOO!! Anton recently shared the following on Friday:
...there's finally some good news on the Inline encryption detection diagnostic: the dev team seems to have found a reliable way to match encrypted block to a file and they will start building this tool next week.

YES! So, it appears, at least for the ‘Encrypted Data’ Inline scan event, more detail will be able to be provided in an upcoming (hopefully “soon”) release. Hopefully there will be the same good news for the ‘Ransom Notes’ and ‘Onion Links’ events soon.

This will certainly be a welcomed addition...can’t wait for it to be added!


Userlevel 7
Badge +21

Great to hear that Veeam is acting on the feedback in that forum post.  I have been keeping an eye on it to see where things go after your first topic post.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

It’s a great post! 😊

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Yes, finally the updated that we’ve been waiting for.

I look forward for the next update on this very useful enhancement.

Thank you @coolsport00 for this thread.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Good new ! Waiting for this update too :)


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Great news thanks for highlighting and driving this one Shane
