My first VeeamOn experience: Cloud, Connections, and Inspiration

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Hey there, everyone!

I hope you all had a great long weekend! Now that we're back in our respective countries/cities/home, I wanted to share some insights from my very first VeeamOn experience.

As a big community advocate, the highlight of the conference for me was meeting all of you in person. Seriously, I had an absolute blast and I can't thank you enough for making my time at VeeamOn so unforgettable. You all made it truly amazing, and I can't wait to see those of you I didn't get a chance to meet in person yet. Prague in October, here we come!🎉

Now, let's talk about the cloud. It was a major buzz 🐝 at VeeamOn (at least around me).There was a dedicated track specifically for cloud talks, and I made it a point to attend as many sessions as possible. If you saw me running around it was probably because of that. Attending those cloud sessions got me thinking and discussing with others about the immense potential of the cloud, how it's driving innovation, and the challenges that organizations face when transitioning their workloads.The overwhelming interest and curiosity from attendees reinforced the fact that the cloud is no longer just a buzzword, but a tangible reality that is reshaping industries.

Another hot topic 🔥 at VeeamOn was none other than cloud backup solutions (as expected!). The sessions shed light on the importance of seamless data protection in the cloud, ensuring the security and recoverability of valuable assets (did you see the new ransomware report btw?).

Anyways, if you're itching to read more about my experience at VeeamOn, I invite you to check out my full blog post at

Also, check out this awesome collage I put together featuring some memorable moments captured at the conference. If you don't spot yourself in the collage, don't worry, there's always next time!



Aaaaaaand if you haven't read it yet, I encourage you to click, translate and read this beautiful article written about me (is self-promotion allowed in here? lol) 👉

Now it's your turn! I would love to hear about your experience at VeeamON. What were your thoughts about the conference?

UPDATE: I've finished editing my vlog about VeeamOn 2023!! Hopefully you can get a glimpse of how the conference was :)



Userlevel 7
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Great summary Julia. Nice article too that you posted.

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for sharing this Julia 😁


I’m looking forward to the “in-person experience” hopefully next year, to fully take it all in.


This year was pretty cool all the same for me. I got to moderate my VeeamON sessions and, as I was mainly working throughout VeeamON, I was attending the on-demand sessions primarily.

I have two separate tracks of thinking, I needed to know what was going to be useful in the short-term, such as what’s new and upcoming in general (Veeam announced some really cool roadmap features!), but then the wide variety of sessions allowed me to get extra knowledge and plug information gaps with where I want to go!


And that second part is the most important topic in my mind. We’re all always learning, and we should have an idea of where we’d like to be, and take steps to get there. So as a VUG Leader for Cloud City, I wanted to align myself to all the cloudy goodness 🙂 there was some fantastic content this year! And I’m looking forward to copying you by running around frantically between sessions next time!

Userlevel 5

Great to see that our cloud products are buzzing around.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend the sessions but I will hopefully be able to catch them up if they were recorded :)


Parabéns pelo artigo sobre a sua trajetória!!


Userlevel 7
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Hey @Julia F Morgado !

I hope you're doing well and that you've arrived home safely. It was a pleasure to meet you in person and spend time with you and the rest of the team. Just like you, this first VeeamOn for me was an opportunity to meet a large part of the community in person and of course, attend as many sessions as possible on cloud and security, two topics that were prevalent throughout the event.

Congratulations once again on your sessions and demo! You rock!

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It was great to meet you @Julia F Morgado in person and to be able to briefly talk about the future of the Veeam products for everything in the cloud and to see how excited you are about what will happen here in Cloud City. As @MicoolPaul mentioned, we are all learning and it’s both daunting and exciting to see all the things we can learn. The “cloud” is truly a place of unlimited potential. It’s really great to know that there are smart and supportive people here in Cloud City to walk with us on that journey of discovery.

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Nice article @Julia F Morgado and happy that I met you in-person, looking forward seeing you again in Prague 😊!

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Nice video!
I didn't remember I was there having lunch 🤣 until I saw it, dang!

We had so much fun!

thanks for sharing it @Julia F Morgado 

Hopefully we will spend more time together the next one!


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It was great to meet you Julia, and I apologize that I didn’t know you were a vlogger, but now that I know you are, you’ve got yourself another subscriber!  Thanks for posting was great to see another perspective!
