NOLA 2017 was my first VeeamON as they paid my way and started my path to Vanguard status. Great event and experience it was for sure.
@safiya @Madi.Cristil I think we need a Veeam art-athon contest!!
@safiya @Madi.Cristil I think we need a Veeam art-athon contest!!
A Veeam poetry slam?
yes! but we could include, paintings, rap lyrics, music… the creative genius emerges in different ways. :)
we have Geoff’s poetry. for music, we can have @mrmccoy007
any other artists around? 
Veeam Veeam Veeam I can hear them all scream/
A dream scene in Green with the 100 team/
From a summit in Prague doing summersaults in the fall/
But we stay on our feet never defeated at all/
MVPs, Legends and Vanguards/
Emcee sessions, tech lessons and-blogs/
Big shoutout to rickatron never know what trip he on
All across the globe tech show, then quick, he’s gone
Madi and Safiya by his side make the team strong
Radical Risellence thats the “chicka chicka” theme song
In the community forums on this beautiful morning
Peaceout for now check out my new veeam song for more man!
@Geoff Burke VeeamOn 2017 was where it all started. My first VeeamOn conference and my first VMCE course and exam. Look where we are now!
Veeam Veeam Veeam I can hear them all scream/
A dream scene in Green with the 100 team/
From a summit in Prague doing summersaults in the fall/
But we stay on our feet never defeated at all/
MVPs, Legends and Vanguards/
Emcee sessions, tech lessons and-blogs/
Big shoutout to rickatron never know what trip he on
All across the globe tech show, then quick, he’s gone
Madi and Safiya by his side make the team strong
Radical Risellence thats the “chicka chicka” theme song
In the community forums on this beautiful morning
Peaceout for now check out my new veeam song for more man!
Yes the ball is rolling!!
@Geoff Burke VeeamOn 2017 was where it all started. My first VeeamOn conference and my first VMCE course and exam. Look where we are now!
and first time getting lost in a wedding procession on Canal street and surviving. And to think we were both at training the next day!! That is Legendary stuff
I think it was the fact that I was allowed to expense that first lunch which had a slight disorienting effect, plus the Southern USA heat for us cold loving Canadians :)
Obviously environmental factors were solely at play
we have Geoff’s poetry. for music, we can have @mrmccoy007
any other artists around? 
we need a poem of the Month contest. finally something I might win, when and if @mrmccoy007 goes on holiday :)
we have Geoff’s poetry. for music, we can have @mrmccoy007
any other artists around? 
yepp. I’m doing music under the name Richard Wroblewski. Not that artistic ;)
we have Geoff’s poetry. for music, we can have @mrmccoy007
any other artists around? 
yepp. I’m doing music under the name Richard Wroblewski. Not that artistic ;)
just listened to your music on Spotify, Richard! you’re very talented :)