VMware VCP-DCV 2023 Study Guide on vSphere 8

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Happy Tuesday to the Community! In January VMware released an updated VCP-DCV 2023 Exam Blueprint for vSphere 8. It came out in good timing, at least for me, for a couple reasons. First, I wanted to get my DCV certification up to date, since for the past 2 years was not able to because the exam version on Pearson had stayed the same since I last took the vSphere 7 version in April 2021. Second, I had a long several week recovery period at home the past 2 months so it gave me plenty of time to review all (most) of VMware's vSphere 8 User Documentation and update my VCP-DCV 2021 Study Guide to 2023.

As some of you know, I've been creating various certification Study Guides for close to 15 years. I started making them for my benefit to help me in my certification preparation studies. Regardless of the vendor certification, to be able to pass a technical certification exam, you need to comb through mountains of user documentation, as well as the obvious need to get hands-on experience using the technology. I create these guides to summarize mostly what I read in all the documentation, and also provide input based off my hands-on experience from using the software.

What’s New for VCP-DCV 2023

Quite a bit is new, actually. My 2023 Study Guide has 18 more pages in it than my 2021 editiion. In its updated Blueprint, VMware has added the need to know about VMware vSphere with Tanzu and its components. They also added an Objective on new SmartNIC technology with Data Processing Units (DPUs) through their Distributed Services Engine (DSE). Additionally, you'll be required to know about VMware vSphere+ and, back from a long hiatus, the VMware vCenter Converter utility.

Exam Details and Study Guide

As with previous VCP-DCV exams, the test has 70 questions, and you have 135 minutes to complete it. I believe with past exams, there was more time allotted for non-English speaking locations. It is noted on the 2023 Blueprint, the time allowed is regardless of language. You also have the option to take the exam at a testing center or online. I have yet to take the updated VCP-DCV exam myself, but plan on doing so soon. Hopefully I can come away with a pass. I'll share when I do to let everyone know how I did and what they can expect.

To download my latest VCP-DCV 2023 Study Guide on vSphere 8, follow this link. I hope this document helps you in your VCP studies. Don't hesitate to reach out to me here, or on social media platforms, if you have any questions or find any discrepancies.



Userlevel 7
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Thanks for sharing, Shane.  I will be using the v7 one to get that exam out of the way then this one to upgrade to v8.  👍🏼

Userlevel 7
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Ohhh….well let me know how your v7 goes. All the best bud. I’m sure you’ll knock it out! 💪🏻

Userlevel 7
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Ohhh….well let me know how your v7 goes. All the best bud. I’m sure you’ll knock it out! 💪🏻

Yeah, I took the ICM course and Optimize & Scale courses via Stanly College so get a voucher to take the exam but needs to be v7 as that is what the course was based on.  Then I will upgrade to v8 after that just need to get my VCP current again.  LOL

Userlevel 7
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Ah, I see 😊

Userlevel 5
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great blueprint. thanks for sharing

Userlevel 7
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Thanks @jos.maliepaard  . Hope it helps. 

Userlevel 1

I hv done with v7 exam last year. Now preparing for v8. Thanks for sharing your study guide. Will update on exam soon. 

Userlevel 7
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Awesome. Hope it helps @Ahmad All the best on your exam.

Userlevel 7
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I hv done with v7 exam last year. Now preparing for v8. Thanks for sharing your study guide. Will update on exam soon. 

Hi Ahmad, Do you or anyone else have any recommendations for good practice exams? I am going to get this funded so might as well see what is the best options out there 😀

Userlevel 7
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I hv done with v7 exam last year. Now preparing for v8. Thanks for sharing your study guide. Will update on exam soon. 

Hi Ahmad, Do you or anyone else have any recommendations for good practice exams? I am going to get this funded so might as well see what is the best options out there 😀

I use Pearson Test Prep as it comes with the books when you purchase them.  I had bought the VCP7 book, so I am using that now to study for the v7 exam on July 8th.  I will then upgrade to v8 after that.

(Had to take v7 for the voucher with Stanly College)

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VMware used to have some on their certification manager website. I registered for them wayyy back in the day. The only way they are no longer accessible is to get 100%, which I purposefully don’t do :) They’re old (v4 and v5 versions), but I still like to take them. Also, look at the end of VMware’s Blueprint docs..both v2021 (v7) and current one. There are only 10 questions, but they’re current & relevant. Hope that at least gives you a headstart.

Userlevel 7
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And, if memory serves...I think the ‘official VCP-DCV Study Guide book’ VMW puts out has a bunch load of questions in it. 

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This is the one I have and am using - VCP7

Userlevel 7
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Yep..that’s it. I know John Davis (1 of the authors) from yrs ago. Actually, met him at my 1st VMworld back in like 2011 (I think that was the yr).

Userlevel 7
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Anybody know if there are any V8 ones out there. That was the course I had so I assume will get that exam. I have never done a vmware exam before. Maybe there is not a big difference. From my experience with Veeam I never found good tests except for the Veeam Practice ones. Is there a @haslund clone over there somewhere in VMware who also creates great practice tests by any chance? 

Userlevel 1

I hv done with v7 exam last year. Now preparing for v8. Thanks for sharing your study guide. Will update on exam soon. 

Hi Ahmad, Do you or anyone else have any recommendations for good practice exams? I am going to get this funded so might as well see what is the best options out there 😀

Hi Geoff I have used VMware VCP-DCV 7.x official Cert guide 4th edition by John A Davis and VMWare IT academy course for V7. But for 8 still looking for practice exams. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi Shane, I wanted to thank you since also because of your valuable guide I passed the exam two days ago..really well done, it summarizes pretty much all the necessary points and saves the trouble of having to get lost in the verbose VMware documentation every time..thanks again!!

Userlevel 7
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Congrats on your exam pass, and glad to hear my Guide helped. Have a good weekend. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi Shane, I wanted to thank you since also because of your valuable guide I passed the exam two days ago..really well done, it summarizes pretty much all the necessary points and saves the trouble of having to get lost in the verbose VMware documentation every time..thanks again!!

Congrats on the pass. I plan to use this too for v8 after just passing the v7 one a week ago.

Userlevel 7
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You guys be ROCKIN’ the exams! Well done! You got this Chris!

Userlevel 7
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You guys be ROCKIN’ the exams! Well done! You got this Chris!

Yep and your guides help. 😎

Userlevel 7
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Great writeup. I really need to get back on writing certs.  I need more time. I keep taking the 5 day VMware courses, but never seem to have time to study for the exams haha. 

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Scott - Thanks!

The past few VMW exams have been nice. Early, early days they were good, but then they became ½ ridiculous, having questions virtually no one would need or ever configure. Just really nit-picking questions. With all the added layers the past 4yrs or so, they’ve done a really nice job rewriting questions knowing there really has become on overwhelming amount of knowledge needed for this ‘basic’ exam; and by basic, I simply mean not pre-VCDX (VCAP) level. You should look to take it...very rewarding 😊

Userlevel 7
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Really nice guide!
I missed before running my VCP-DCV 2023 cert.
I passed!!

Will keep an eye for the next one!



Userlevel 7
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Thanks Luis. Yes, I tend to create a new Guide for each new major vSphere release. 
