VMCE 2021 Released!

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I booked my first Veeam course ever (VMCE) a few days ago. So I guess the first Veeam certification I will take is this one :joy:

same here VMCE courses in july for V11 :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +21

I booked my first Veeam course ever (VMCE) a few days ago. So I guess the first Veeam certification I will take is this one :joy:

same here VMCE courses in july for V11 :)

Company is getting me the voucher from VeeamON to take the v11 course.  Will be interesting.

Userlevel 7
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I booked my first Veeam course ever (VMCE) a few days ago. So I guess the first Veeam certification I will take is this one :joy:

same here VMCE courses in july for V11 :)

@BertrandFR will you in the class: 12.-14. of July?

Userlevel 7
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Just because I did not see this at any other vendor:

Got a mail two weeks ago, saying there is a FREE updated version of course materials available! Great!


Userlevel 7
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Generally speaking, with all the tech that’s out there, if we wanna stay relevant, I think we can all agree all the tech certs are a bear to keep up to speed on. :joy:

Userlevel 7
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I booked my first Veeam course ever (VMCE) a few days ago. So I guess the first Veeam certification I will take is this one :joy:

Best of luck.

Userlevel 7
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Last year, between Jan and May, I took 6 total certs - Veeam, AWS x 2, Azure x2, and VMware. That sucked. The only reward I get for mine is my own satisfaction that I passed 🤷‍♂️

It could be worse! Microsoft now make you do refresher exams to validate your certifications. I got my M365:EAE but I have to renew my MS100 and MS101 annually or it will expire. Plus I used my MCSE as the pre-req but as that will be archived soon I’ll need to pass a specialisation such as MS Teams (which feels like it changes every 5 mins, very hard to study such a moving target!) and then I’ll be renewing that every year too…

Userlevel 7
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@Inder ...as a matter of fact, they have a free trial:


Oh really, Thanks for guiding me sir !

Userlevel 7
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Last year, between Jan and May, I took 6 total certs - Veeam, AWS x 2, Azure x2, and VMware. That sucked. The only reward I get for mine is my own satisfaction that I passed 🤷‍♂️

It could be worse! Microsoft now make you do refresher exams to validate your certifications. I got my M365:EAE but I have to renew my MS100 and MS101 annually or it will expire. Plus I used my MCSE as the pre-req but as that will be archived soon I’ll need to pass a specialisation such as MS Teams (which feels like it changes every 5 mins, very hard to study such a moving target!) and then I’ll be renewing that every year too…

Oh no; my motivation for MS certifications is already rather low so renewing them every year will be hard...Soon we're going to write exams all the time 😅

Userlevel 7
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Last year, between Jan and May, I took 6 total certs - Veeam, AWS x 2, Azure x2, and VMware. That sucked. The only reward I get for mine is my own satisfaction that I passed 🤷‍♂️

It could be worse! Microsoft now make you do refresher exams to validate your certifications. I got my M365:EAE but I have to renew my MS100 and MS101 annually or it will expire. Plus I used my MCSE as the pre-req but as that will be archived soon I’ll need to pass a specialisation such as MS Teams (which feels like it changes every 5 mins, very hard to study such a moving target!) and then I’ll be renewing that every year too…

Oh no; my motivation for MS certifications is already rather low so renewing them every year will be hard...Soon we're going to write exams all the time 😅

If they could bill you for that too that’s what they’d do! Thankfully the renewal isn’t proctored. If so I think I’d have let some stuff lapse…

Userlevel 7
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You’re a glutton for punishment! Or, just really love Rasmus or Joe or Bart or whoever will be teaching it ;) hahaha

Userlevel 7
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You can go to the Cert page here. Once there’s a green checkmark next to the ‘Attend a training course’ step, you’re all set to then schedule your exam through PearsonVUE.

Userlevel 7
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If you hold VMCE v9(.5)...yes; otherwise, you would need to take the Course for VMCE2021. $200 for exam is cheaper than $1500-$4000 for Course 🤷‍♂️


I don’t have any certification of VMCE. However I done the course VMCE 2021.

So, can I try it right?


Yep as Shane noted check out that site to schedule the exam.

Userlevel 7
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@vNote42  Nop the class is scheduled 1st et 2nd July, it’s a french session i will be glad to welcome you ahaha

Hello everyone,

I just passed VMCE2021 successfully, thanks to @haslund for the tips and trick for the review and practice exam. I couldn't believe it, as @haslund says: take the time to read the questions. Next CAP VMCE-A ....:thumbsup::fist:

Userlevel 7
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Yeah I am onboard with the 2-year plan as typically going from one version to the next is not a huge change, but going two versions up there is normally a much bigger change set.  Let’s hope we get two year versus the one but looking forward to doing VMCE2020, then 2021 and finally the VMCA2022. :)

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Chris.Childerhose @coolsport00 @regnor @MicoolPaul , I needed to renew my VMCE 9 certificate to VMCE 2020 last year because of my companies partner status. I have some colleagues who have also a VMCE 9 but did not upgrade (a little bit scared after the first time ;-)). If I read the FAQs correctly it seems that only a VMCE 2020 is available to take the exam of VMCE 2021. So directly taking the exam from VMCE 9.5 to 2021 will not be possible? So first take exam VMCE 2020 before 31/10/2021. Am I correct?

Do you know guys if a yearly exam (re-certification) will be necessary as a partner? Isn’t that a bit too much? A lot of engineers are now already complaining for some 2-yearly certifications (like Vmware). What is your opinion?

I think for a partner it’s important to not be more than one certification behind, it can feel laborious at times but I think if they let you pass either every other or even just a 3 month grace to leap frog after next version available (so if you had 9.5, didn’t do 2020, you only get 3 months to do 2021) as an example. For internal staff or hobbyist people I understand it’s more difficult

Yeah have a grace period would be nice where you can as you said leap frog one version to the most current.  Like now for example VMCEv9 to VMCE2021 and bypass 2020.  Either way I will be doing both along with VMCA2022 when it comes.

Userlevel 7
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I am also intersted in Kasten K10. Any documents and videos in details 

Userlevel 7
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@Inder ...as a matter of fact, they have a free trial:


Userlevel 7
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Last year, between Jan and May, I took 6 total certs - Veeam, AWS x 2, Azure x2, and VMware. That sucked. The only reward I get for mine is my own satisfaction that I passed 🤷‍♂️

Great to hear :thumbsup:

Userlevel 7
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So, I need to take VMCE 2020 before?

I don’t understand why.

I don’t think you need to take this one prior to the new VMCE2021.  Just maybe a good idea to see what the tests are like and get the cert but definitely not a requirement.

Userlevel 7
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Well, you don’t *need* the new Course if you pass the VMCE2020. But, if you simply just wanted to take the Course (like, cuz your org pays for it)..than still all good :)

Userlevel 7
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Nah always good to attend a class as it has been a while since 9.x class I took years ago.  LOL

Userlevel 7
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If you hold VMCE v9(.5)...yes; otherwise, you would need to take the Course for VMCE2021. $200 for exam is cheaper than $1500-$4000 for Course 🤷‍♂️


I don’t have any certification of VMCE. However I done the course VMCE 2021.

So, can I try it right?


Userlevel 7
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Yes sir...you sure can!
