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I want to bring everyone’s attention to a very important post on the Veeam Forums that will provide some pre-information on deprecated capabilities and upgrade ‘blockers’ for Veeam Data Platform V13.

Recently, ​@Gostev shared an incredibly helpful post now to prepare us all for the V13 upgrade coming “soon” for Veeam Data Platform. You can read the full post here: eV13] Deprecated and Discontinued features for our 2025 release

Probably my favorite part of this post is the “Discontinued Features” section, where upgrade blockers are identified. Again, quoting the Forums post:

Upgrade to V13 will be blocked in presence of the following:
1. Jobs with backup metadata still not upgraded to V12 format.
2. Backup Copy jobs still in legacy mode.
3. Full Veeam Agent for Windows installs prior to V6 (with LocalDB configuration database).


This is super helpful information to tackle now, there are some Q&A fielded already in there (hat tip ​@coolsport00) but now is the time to review this information before the next major update of Veeam Data Platform (i.e. V13) - there may be updates to 12.x between now and then however. Don’t ask about timing :)

Have you had to address any of those upgrade blockers yet? If so, what tips do you have? Share your comments below.

I definitely need to check legacy copy jobs as I know I have seen those out there.  So will plan to upgrade them prior to v13 for sure.  Hopefully they can be mapped to existing chains otherwise that will be another planning session. The new chain format will be another big one to check having so many datacenters and backups.  But it must be done to update. 😎

Somehow I overlooked that point about the Copy Jobs. But thankfully I no longer use Copy Jobs...just BU and REPL (and storage repl). 😉

Thanks for the share Rick!

Oh... I’ve checked both treads about V13 on R&D Forum and I think we should expect a lot of remediation work in customer environments. 


needless to say, it’s great that “upgrade will be blocked” instead of “upgrade will start and break something” 😊

This will be the least stressful upgrade ever.  Other than changing from restore points to days I’m ready to go.

I fixed my copy jobs last upgrade, and finally have no more complaining about reverse incremental jobs as everything is working fantastic with forward. 
